measi's Diaryland Diary


Eh, I'm bored... :)

Thanks for the birthday well-wishes, guys... they really helped cheer me up. Particularly after all of the stuff over the holidays. I was kinda worried this was going to be one of those depressing birthdays. You all kept my spirits up yesterday. :)

A regular entry coming up later. For now, though, I'm jumping on the Minarae and Ethne bandwagon...


1.What is your real, full name? Melissa Kathryn Kent

2.What other names were your parents thinking about for you? Heather if I were a blond. (I turned blond after my baptism. *snicker*)

3.If you had been born of the opposite gender, what was your name going to be (according to your parents)? Doesn't apply-- I was adopted.

4. What does your name mean (if you know)? It means "honeybee" in Greek. Ironically, "Measi" is a Hindi word for a type of flower.

5. Do you like your name? Yeah, I do.

6. Do you know anyone else with your name? Plenty. It was one of the more popular names of the 1970's, I think...

7. If you could change your name, what would it be to? I went through a Cassandra stage when I was younger, but I honestly just like mine the way it is. *shrug*

(where'd question 8 go?)

9. The weirdest? There was this one girl who used to babysit me named "DeNay." Weird name... weirder person

10. The plainest/ugliest? Bernice. *shudder*


11. What is your favorite weapon? I'm a sword person myself. I just can't wield one.

12. What is your favorite genre of book? Definitely high fantasy

13. What is your favorite planet? Saturn. :)

14. Your favorite type of sandwich? New Jersey style cheese steak (with tomato sauce on it)

15. How about your favorite role playing game (if you play them)? D&D-- Forgotten Realms specifically.

16. Your favorite play? (No, not movie or TV show, PLAY) Hamlet. It's both funny and emotionally tragic at the same time.

17. Favorite joke? I really don't have one...

18. Favorite color of clothing on you? dark greens and blues

19. Favorite fruit juice flavor? Not a fruit juice fan.

20. What's your favorite thing to look up online? The journals of my online friends.


21. Do you know anyone who drinks underage (if yes, how many)? Not without the permission of their parents.

22. Smokes (if yes, how many)? A few people. I've never really bothered to count.

23. Does drugs (if yes, how many)? Not on a regular basis, other than occasional smoking and alcohol

24. Lost their virginity before being married? Just about everyone. *shrug*

25. Worships the devil? No.

26. Has had their life threatened? Yes

27. Do you know anyone who hates slurpees? I've never really bothered to ask...

28. Give a rough estimate of how many people you know. On a casual basis? Around 75.

29. Now how many of them are your friends? About 10

30. Where are the majority of your friends from (i.e. sports, school)? From college and via friends of friends


31. Eat bugs purposely? Yes. I have-- chocolate covered ants

32. Commit a crime? I plead the fifth

33. Change your religion? Already have. Don't plan on it again

34. Lie to your parents? Yes

35. Jump over a waterfall? No.

36. Change clothes in front of an open window? Heh... if they really want to look, it's not my eyes getting blinded. :)

37. Dress up as the opposite sex for an important event? Sure, why not?

38. Go out at night dressed in something like a black trenchcoat and sunglasses? Probably not at this point in my life-- I would have about six years ago.

39. Sing a harmonized duet in front of 500 strangers?No.

40. Tell someone that you liked them if they were much older than you? Age really doesn't affect that problem anymore. :)


41. Lied to your parents about something really important? Yes. Several times. (or simply withheld info)

42. Had your life threatened? Yes. Twice.

43. Stumbled across FBI secrets online? No.

44. Stayed up until the morning light talking online? Several times in college. :)

45. Made people give you really weird glances? Heh. It doesn't take much.

46. Read a Shakespeare play? Several-- I love Shakespeare

47. Talked in your sleep? What did you say? I'm pretty sure I do frequently, actually. I sleepwalk as it is... can't imagine that I don't start mumbling. I have no clue what I've said.

48. Sung at a karaoke bar? No. You really don't want to hear me sing.

49. Looked something up online your parents specifically told you not to look up? They've never specifically told me to not look up something-- by the time the internet was really up and rolling, I was in college.

50. Been run over... with a bike? No and no.


51. Number one on your hit list? A person whose name I'll refrain from speaking here.

52. The person you talk to most in person? Erich. Hard not to when I live with him. :)

53. The person you talk to most online? Either Ade or Minarae.

54. The person you talk to least online? Ivanna

55. The person who calls you ever other day? One of those annoying co-workers from another office...

56. Is there anyone that dumped you when you most needed them? Oh, definitely. Left me in a nasty emotional state for a while.

57. The last person you talked to on the phone with? My mom-- last night when she wished me a happy birthday

58. The person/people you're with the most? Erich.

59. Never home? My dad.

60. Always home? JT.


61. Mulan or Moulin Rouge? Between those two lackluster choices? Mulan.

62. 7 Up or Dr. Pepper? Dr. Pepper

63. Hamsters or Gerbils? Hamsters

64. Rats or Mice? Tough call, but I'll go with mice.

65. The Swings or the Slide? Swings

66. Rollercoaster or Merry-Go-Round? Rollercoaster, but only under some sedation for the heights.

67. Sneakers, Sandals, or No Shoes? No shoes

68. Italian or Mexican food? Mexican

69. Fast Food or Sit Down Restaurant? Sit down

70. The Sun or the Moon? Moon


71. What's your favorite quote about love? "Love is Mutual..." (told to me by my grandma)

72. Favorite quote about friends? I can't think of one off the top of my head right now...

73. How about life? "You're only given the amount of challenges you can handle..."

74. What's your favorite humorous quote? "I believe it was Socrates who said.. 'I drank what?!?'" (or something along those lines... from Real Genius)

75. How about the quote that makes you go, "Hmm..."? "I don't believe in -isms...."

76. The quote that makes you go, "Too true, too true."? "Hindsight is always 20/20."

77. What's your favorite swear word? Fuck. It's simple. It's quite expressive, and it's easy to adapt to many situations.

78. What's your favorite non-swear word? Right now? "Fiiiiish...." or anything that rhymes with it (siiiiiix), spoken in a Red Dwarf tone of voice

79. What's your favorite thing to do on a cold day? curl up on the couch with coffee and watch TV

80. How about your favorite thing to do on a hot day? curl up in front of an air conditioner and watch TV


81. Are there any shoes in the room? No.

82. Underwear? Only those I'm currently wearing

83. Dishes, glasses, forks, spoons etc? Thankfully, no.

84. Something unidentifiable that is very nasty looking? Nope...

85. Money? one penny. I'm rich!

86. A TV? No.

87. Is there a fan in the room with you? A small one sitting in a box to go to storage

88. People? Myself and one cat (Colley)

89. How about a blanket? Yep-- a lot of them. We just bought new sheets today. :)

90. What colors are the walls and the floor? white walls, beige carpet (typical rental style)


91. In how many languages can you say "Goodbye?" 10

92. And how many of those can you actually spell? 6... maybe 7 if I remember my Russian. :)

93. What's your favorite way of ending a letter (i.e. Sincerely, love from)? Take care, Mel.

94. Who's the last person who said goodbye to you, and where were they going? Ade, last night when we dropped her off at her house.

95. Is there any weird way you say goodbye (i.e. Night, Smooches)? On occasion... depends on the situation

96. How do you end internet conversations? usually just saying "good night" or "bye!"

97. Do you realize I'm just stalling to get to 100? Heh, yep.

98. Have you ever seen any of these questions on any other survey before? Yeah, I have.

99. On a scale from 1-10, 1 being the worst, what would you rate this survey? Eh... it's about a 5.

100. What question not already on this survey would be a good question 100? No really... where did question 8 go?

10:18 p.m. - 12 January 2003


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