measi's Diaryland Diary


Planetary Chart, Pt. 2

Saturn In The Solar Return Chart

Saturn rules reality and the reality of any given situation is that we are all ultimately responsible for creating our own lives. The responses and choices we make to any given situation, together with the fears we avoid, form the backbone for our pattern of living. Only when we accept the responsibility for creating our own fate can we be freed from the necessity of living it. Only when we face our fears can we live unafraid. Saturn is the key to this change in orientation. It is the ultimate reality, the ultimate fear, the karmic avenger, and ruler of the universal laws of nature. It is through Saturn's house placement that we come face to face with ourselves, the structures, and limitations of reality, and the laws we must live by.

Growth is a complex process, occurring in a variety of ways. Saturnian growth begins by recognizing the existing structures we have incorporated into our lives, and possibly, the frustration or limitation caused by this edifice. It seems strange to talk about growth in terms of limitation, but astrologically Saturn rules structures which are at one point protective and at other times restrictive. Like the lobster or crab which sheds an outgrown, protective, hard shell in order to grow, individuals must periodically shed old structures grown restrictive with time. As with the crustaceans, the shedding process may be slow and laborious, followed by a period of extreme vulnerability until the new shell has formed and hardened into a protective structure. We often complacently mistake familiarity for security. We assume we'll be safe as long as we stick with the same old routine and keep doing what we've been doing all along. But what was once protective and safe eventually ends up inhibiting our evolutionary cycle of growth. Sometimes, only our frustration with things as they are awakens us to the need for change.

The movement of Saturn through the solar return chart coincides with an awareness of structure. Sometimes this awareness is associated with frustration, and the accentuation of restrictions now blocking evolution. It is through this realization process and frustration that we first become aware of the need to grow beyond our present structures. Therefore, the first step in the Saturnian process toward growth is recognizing structures, frustrations, and limitations imposed by our present patterns of living, particularly in those areas of life signified by Saturn's house placement in the solar return.

The second step toward growth is reassessment of the situation. A review of the facts yields further information, options, and understanding. Only by defining the inhibitors to the evolutionary cycle can we move toward resolution and continued growth. Self-criticism and constructive feedback from others may be appropriate at this time.

It is during the reassessment process that the reality of our situation becomes more obvious, as well as the laws by which we are governed. To succeed, we must deal with life realistically. We cannot twist nature to our own liking, nor can we expect others to compensate for our deficiencies and fears by solving our problems. Saturn rules the naked truth devoid of magical thinking. We must live within the laws of nature to succeed and survive. If you hate your job, quit. Do not wait for an act of God to find a new job. If you want to complete a major project, work on it. It is the only way it will get done. If you want to lose weight, diet, and exercise. Hard work and facing the issues head on will get you where you want to go. Wishful thinking will not.

These issues are all totally within your range of control and you are free to act upon them, but other problems may not be yours to control. You cannot make your husband stop drinking; you can only change the way you handle the situation. You cannot change hypocrisy in others; you can only reassess your own beliefs. During the reassessment process, develop realistic options which could feasibly lead to a resolution of the problem or to a change in the way you handle the problem. Successful solutions are those which are practical and realistic -that is, they conform to the laws of nature.

Once you understand the problem and the options available, you must assume responsibility for the outcome. Each man or woman contributes to his or her own fate. As the partial creator of any problem, you also have some control over the solution. But assuming responsibility for your present situation can be more threatening than blaming others. Some prefer to buck the system (defy the laws of nature) and complain, rather than take action. Remember, familiarity breeds a false sense of security and many prefer to hang on to their restrictions rather than venture into the unknown. They learn to live with their frustration rather than grow beyond it. Consciously making a decision implies assuming responsibility for your success or failure.

Facing your fears concerning success or failure is ultimately what Saturn is all about. At this point, you are very aware of the reality of your situation, and you have a list of options for the future, not all of which may work. You understand your own contribution to the situation and what you must do in order to move toward a resolution. You have seen your own shortcomings and become aware of your darker side. You comprehend the laws of nature relative to your situation and know everything is earned in this case, nothing is given, and nothing is guaranteed by the Universe. You now realize that you must stick your nose out and take a calculated risk. In order to progress, you must face your fears, and move toward your nightmare rather than back away. It is only by passing through a period of vulnerability that one can break out of a protective, yet restrictive structure and progress into a more suitable environment. You give up the security of the familiar and step into the unknown.

The test of any solution is that it works. Even chronic problems need to be solved and not just cosmetically concealed. Success requires much hard work and the systematic testing of solutions until the correct combination is found. Consequently, success may not come easily. If the first solution does not work, you must go on to test another and another. Thus with each failure begins a new cycle of awareness and reassessment, ultimately leading to a well-deserved success. There is plenty of room for hard work, discipline, and perseverance in the area of life indicated by Saturn's house placement. Eventually, every area of life will be touched by the need for reassessment and resolution. Chances are the time for reevaluation coincides with Saturn's placement in a particular house of the solar return. In that area of life, you must go above and beyond what is normally expected.

Solar Return Saturn in 8th house:

The most common interpretation for Saturn in the 8th house of the solar return relates to financial concerns caused by either debts or limited shared resources. Debts are an issue, and it is not uncommon to borrow a large sum of money during the year for an expensive purchase such as a car or house. But it is more likely that you will feel pressured to pay off your debts, both existing loans and any new ones you acquire. Some individuals force themselves to limit expenditures by refusing to spend any more money until they pay off all debts. Others, who have refused to face financial reality in the past (allowing their debts to reach the credit limits), are now forced by their circumstances to limit spending. They have exhausted all their options. Regardless of whether you are working hard to finish paying off your debts or just reaching your debt peak, you will probably feel pressured to pay your bills.

Saturn can imply limited shared resources; consequently, you may receive less money from others. If you normally share finances with someone else or receive money for other reasons, this can be a year when these other forms of income (outside of your own earning power) decrease. If you are married or have a roommate, he or she may not be fully employed for part or all of the year, thereby earning less income than usual. On the other hand, he or she may be fully employed, but hesitate to share funds, instead spending whatever money is available on either worthy or unworthy causes, agreed upon or not. In any case, the amount of money shared or earned by your partner can decrease for one reason or another.

For example, a young housewife with this placement was having trouble stretching her husband's paycheck to meet the bills. They lived frugally, but still there was not enough to go around. He was due for a raise and they hoped everything would work out, but just as he received the raise, they were forced by circumstances to buy a new car. The new car payment took up the entire raise plus ten dollars extra a month, so there was even less money to go around that year.

If you normally depend on others (possibly your parents or some other relative) for financial gifts, you may receive less money this year than you have in years past. It is probably time you grew more financially independent and became responsible for your own debts. The restriction on shared resources also includes situations associated with wills, inheritances, and occasionally even bank loans. Do not expect someone to give you money unless you expect year-long delays. Saturn in the 8th is not a reflection of the amount of money you yourself earn. That is a separate matter seen through the other houses, most notably the 2nd. Your earnings may be very good this year, but with Saturn in the 8th you would still tend to have some of the above mentioned problems with the money you receive from others.

Sexual issues are possible with this placement, but generally they are rare in comparison to the emphasis on financial considerations. Sexual limitations may include abstinence, impotence or frigidity in extreme cases, or a general lack of fulfillment. Critical judgments of self or others can inhibit sexual performance. Issues outside of the bedroom, such as power, dominance, and restriction, might affect sexual interchanges. Limitations occur for a variety of reasons, but the partner's absence, your or your partner's ill health, or an inability to function well are most notable. For example, if your wife is pregnant with twins, her desire may wane, assuming you could master the logistics to begin with.

For a few, sex will be less enjoyable this year, especially if it is rushed, occurring in inconvenient locations, or under stressful circumstances. This is especially true for those who are involved in an extramarital affair. If you cannot fully relate to your partner, you may view the act more as a responsibility than a pleasure. Moral dilemmas in which you feel pulled between sexual attractions and the criticisms of others are possible. If you are a closet homosexual, you may feel pulled between a strong (and obvious to others) attraction to someone you see routinely and the desire to keep your life-style and feelings private.

You are more aware of the dark side of human nature. You see evidence of it manifesting both in others and in your own personality. Normally you see individuals as a blend of both good and bad, black and white with variations of gray. But during this year, the separation seems more apparent and the grays tend to fade away. Black and white, good and evil, become all-or-nothing traits, different sides of one personality manifesting themselves at different times. The contrast tends to be stark. Situations you are involved in during the year, conflicts and stress cause the more negative traits to manifest. For example, if you are involved in a love-hate relationship, you will probably see both the best and the worst you and your lover have to offer. The stress of the situation, coupled with conflicting emotions, will tend to foster both strongly positive and strongly negative relating patterns. Disputes over a will or an inheritance can also magnify the split. You may think you know your relatives until either you or they contest a will. In the most extreme cases, you might be harassed by someone who is sadistic or at least has a sadistic side to his or her personality. Personal vendettas are rare, but not unheard of.

Use this year to eliminate power structures which are controlling you. Develop psychological self-control. Gain insight into your own personal contributions to your situation. Work toward self-mastery.

Uranus In The Solar Return Chart

Uranus is commonly seen as an indicator of change, and this is true for the solar return placements also. Conditions associated with the house position of Uranus are likely to evolve significantly over the year. Major changes or incessant fluctuations emerge as the pattern of manifestation, depending on how the individual copes with his or her situation and needs. Transformations may occur quickly and require a long period of adjustment, or progress slowly, possibly occurring late in the year and only after a long period of anticipation or restlessness. As a rule, most changes are expected, predicted, and initiated by the native him or herself. Many are carefully planned and well executed, involving a minimum of tension and anxiety. When working positively with the Uranian principle, the key is in the restlessness. Those who are very attuned to their own need for growth will feel the restlessness arising in outgrown situations and respond accordingly. They will welcome the opportunity for adjustment, and make all the necessary preparations for the coming change. They will not lock themselves into one particular situation or pattern of growth, but will allow changes and insights to develop and evolve naturally along the way.

Generally, it is only when the individual thwarts his or her own desires or tightly controls situations that tensions manifest in the form of anxiety and nervousness. This anxiety results from ambivalent feelings which develop in those who resist needed changes. These people get caught between their own fear of change and a strong desire for the very change being thwarted. An ambivalent mind-set takes over, one built on an approach to, and also an avoidance of, a set goal or change. Remember, Uranus is associated with conscious and unconscious choices for change. Its appearance somewhere in the native's solar return chart implies the area of life in which the individual desires to progress through change. When one is unable to face or effect needed and desired changes, the mind splits between two mutually exclusive goals and anxiety results. Eventually, the mental ambivalence and erratic commitments to two very different paths are reflected in fluctuating external conditions. Long overdue, yet still avoided changes, tend to manifest in the environment as disruption caused by others, or by neglected areas of attention.

Adding to the anxiety is a perceived loss of control over external situations. Eventually, the restlessness and tension rise to a feverish pitch until one finally agrees to make changes, or can no longer prevent their occurrence. When conditions reach this intensity, individuals usually make reactive changes, without careful consideration or adequate preparation. Sudden upheavals occur rather than welcomed transitions. If we would truly be in control of our own destiny, we should listen to the need for change and respond to the earliest hints of restlessness. We should give ourselves the freedom to work toward a conscious transition before a crisis arises.

Consistent with the desire for change is the need for freedom. You cannot maneuver if you are locked into a restrictive environment. Sometimes the push for freedom is a prerequisite for change. At other times, the change itself becomes the motivating force behind the process. Occasionally, both mechanisms are operating. For example, you may have to convince your boss to give you the freedom to make needed changes in the daily office routine; at the same time, the changes you make could streamline procedures, creating more leeway in your work schedule.

Freedom allows the process of change to occur smoothly. When we are functioning at our best and working positively with the Uranian concept, we move easily through a series of attractions, detachments and independent actions. We learn and grow from each of these encounters. While in the process of attraction, we are drawn to certain situations, persons or concepts. It is important to observe what experiences we are drawn to because they indicate conscious or unconscious needs and patterns of growth. By accepting different situations, interacting with different individuals, or listening to new ideas, we take in new information and learn to value various facets of life. We see that no one person, place or idea is perfect. The same is true of our existing circumstances, which we hold onto so tightly.

With this insight begins the period of detachment from those situations, persons, or concepts which restrict our growth or no longer have anything to teach us. We are able to step back and intellectually reassess our involvement and commitment. We can either choose to separate physically from difficult situations, or take the corrective action needed to adjust present circumstances to our needs.

Uranus does not always imply a complete and total separation. We are capable of detaching from the original attraction while still maintaining the experience, relationship, or train of thought. It is the independent action we ultimately take which defines the degree of separation.

We learn as much from separation as we do from attraction when we define what we don't like as well as what we do like. The changing environment, the comparisons and contrasts, accentuate what is important and what is not. One should remember that this process of change through attachment, detachment and independent action is ongoing, occurring on many different levels simultaneously. The process can be either quick, occurring numerous times in one day, or drawn out, requiring a year's time span. For example, suppose you are building a new home. This is a year-long project and during this time you will be drawn to many different construction plans, ideas, and subcontractors. But as you begin to work with the possibilities, you will accept, reject, or change options to suit your needs. This process takes place over months, but also simultaneously many times in one day.

The exposure to various ideas, situations and people stimulates creative thought through sudden insight into changing situations. All planets represent a creative process. Venus is the planet of creativity experienced through beauty, while Uranus is the process experienced through change. Because of the changing panorama of people, ideas, and situations, one becomes accustomed to looking at life from different perspectives. The multifaceted approach encourages the mind to create still newer ideas. In this way the individual begins to participate in the process of attachment, detachment and independent action by creating his or her own original options, and change becomes a process of perception, integrated into the pattern of growth.

Solar Return Uranus in 4th house:

Uranus in the 4th house indicates that your domestic life is very unsettled and some disruptive change occurs in the home. There are several reasons possible for this disruption. Individuals often move (sometimes repeatedly) or try to move during the year. The actual move, if it occurs, may involve a major relocation. Preparations for the sale of the old house and renovations in the new house can drag on for months. Those who do not choose to move during the year may decide to rearrange the house or remodel part or all of the present residence. Some build on an addition. In general, major renovations (the kind where people switch the living room and the kitchen) are more likely than mild redecoration. Sudden repairs are possible and even freaky things can happen. In one case a chimney fell down, and in another situation the house literally moved on its foundation.

The actual house may remain the same but the number of occupants living with you could change as others come and go during the year. A child may return from college, or choose to live elsewhere. Adult sons and daughters, elderly parents, or roommates may move in or out, either temporarily or permanently. The coming and going seems to interrupt the tranquility and routine. At the very least, if nothing else changes, you will tend to be restless when at home and may not spend much time there. You may travel, or live with others and be in and out sporadically. Home may not really feel like home and you may feel uprooted much of the time.

Besides domestic disruptions, emotional disruptions are also possible. In fact, the greater the domestic change, the greater the transformation that will be occurring on an emotional level. If you do not understand the transition, you may be moody or detached. You may not trust others with your feelings, especially if they have a history of being emotionally unpredictable and undependable, leaving you to feel that your expectations will not be met if you approach these people for either support or comfort. If you cannot get what you need from others, vocalize your dissatisfaction, but concentrate on verbal communication to get your point across.

Realize that others may have grievances against you also. Friends, family and lovers may see you as emotionally unpredictable and undependable. You may not be aware that you are behaving in a way that conflicts with your own need for security and safety. Your ability to make a commitment will change back and forth and you cannot establish the kind of emotional security you want to have in a relationship until you decide what you are capable of contributing yourself. If you are unable to reach an understanding, seek support elsewhere or your discontent will settle into grouchiness, anger, and manipulation. In very negative situations, you can distance yourself from family members or those you live with. Fights, tensions and disagreements become more likely as negotiations break down, and can lead to separations and broken ties.

Less common possibilities with Uranus in the 4th house include changes in the health and/or independence of family members. Unexpected illnesses are rare, but do occur, especially in elderly parents or grandparents. When they do occur, illnesses tend to come on suddenly and exhibit an acute stage which is usually temporary. It is during this time that the sick person will need assistance and may actually move in with you. Moreover, parents or children may not be able to function independently at this time for reasons other than illness. Surprise pregnancies, motherhood, unemployment, job relocation, etc., also change one's ability to be independent. Learning to develop a sense of freedom in the home environment is associated with this placement.

Neptune In The Solar Return Chart

Neptune is many things on many levels, but first and foremost it is the aspiration for a higher manifestation as opposed to a lower one. The distinctions between higher and lower influences are not limited to the spiritual plane alone, but can occur on the emotional, mental and physical levels also. At all times, it is up to the individual to steer his or her consciousness toward the highest manifestation possible. For example, Neptune on the spiritual level is associated with Universal Oneness, Karmic Laws, Ideals, God, and higher beliefs which form the backbone of spirituality. A strong sense of trust in God and the Universe supports the growth process on the spiritual level, but has ramifications on the other levels as well. Each level of experience supports and triggers the others. It is all the insights on all of the levels which eventually help us toward a more rewarding and fulfilling life-style. The lower manifestation of Neptune on the spiritual level is disillusionment with higher principles. Here the individual falls off the true path and becomes entangled in fanatical beliefs or outright fantasy. Spiritual despair rather than enlightenment is the result, and the support needed for growth on all levels is thwarted.

The same dichotomy of higher and lower is present on the emotional, mental and physical planes also. At the emotional level, the individual is capable of great compassion and sensitivity to others. This is a time when empathic understanding strengthens the bonds between loved ones. The lower manifestation of Neptune is a susceptibility to anxiety and worry. The sensitivity which is meant to foster true understanding instead heightens a sense of vulnerability to life, others and the future. There is no trust in God emanating from the spiritual level to support decisions. In negative situations, true understanding of others does not develop because the individual is too involved with personal feelings and issues to focus on others.

At the mental level, creativity and inspiration help to expand the individual's intellectual capacity. Neptune is more closely associated with the right brain than the left, and indicates the ability to let the mind float free to new and better insights. The lower manifestation is confusion and deception. What you are told is different from what you intuitively feel. Thoughts contradict insights and you are unable to comprehend the truth. There is no trust of the higher right brain inspirational or spiritual processes. Creativity is thwarted. Without an understanding of the big picture, mental energy is wasted through a lack of cohesiveness as one begins to focus on the insignificant, confusing details.

And finally, Neptune on the physical level is service to others. Principles which have filtered down from the various levels and have been understood in each of the higher manifestations begin to flow into daily practices on the mundane plane. There is a consistency; as above, so below. It is possible to physically manifest the spirituality to which you aspire. When only lower manifestations have filtered down to the physical level, confusion, disorganization and exhaustion are most apt to occur. You lack a total concept necessary to unify your actions and prioritize tasks according to their importance. Neptune at its highest level of manifestation on the physical plane is a direct reflection of the enlightened promise made at the spiritual level.

In all of the houses, either the higher or lower manifestations will be operating. The more the individual focuses on the higher energies, the more cohesive and insightful actions will become. The more the individual is sensitive to spiritual insight, the easier it will be to deal with issues on every plane. The unifying principles of the spiritual level and the higher manifestations combine to focus energy and understanding right on down the line.

Solar Return Neptune in 4th house:

Uncertainty is connected with the home or your living quarters, and you may not be certain where you will be living in the future or who will be living with you. Issues involving relocation are common. Either you yourself or the person/s you are living with might be considering a job-related move. In all likelihood, the exact destination or date of departure is not set. Also, the number of people going along might be questionable for a period of time. On the other hand, if you and your live-ins are happy with your employment situations, you could decide to look for a new residence in the area. Since there is no pressure to move immediately, you can look, but still feel unsure as to when or even whether you will move. House construction can be delayed indefinitely if you plan to build. Those who stay put might have family members coming or going during the year, causing confusion regarding who will be living with whom, and when. This is especially true if you have college-aged or recently divorced childrenor elderly parents. If any of these people are in a situation of need, they can come and go during the year without a lot of notification. These and other circumstances surrounding your living arrangements leave you with uncertain domestic plans during the coming year. It is most likely that major changes will not be a reality until the final three months of the solar return year.

You can have a family member requesting assistance at this time. Physical, financial, and emotional needs are possible. Issues are not necessarily serious; for example, you can help a relative build a new home or care for an infant. Use this time to share with family members. Compassion is increased, and one relative in particular could depend on you for support and encouragement. During the year, an older person might become forgetful, especially if he or she is at an age when senility is a problem. Medications can slow the thinking and physical vitality. Drug side effects should be considered if there is an appreciable change in his or her personality. If substance abuse is already occurring, confusion will be more noticeable at this time. Adults with elderly parents could consider having them move in either temporarily or permanently. Retirement communities, nursing homes or visiting nurses are other options. If you are caring for an older relative, indecisiveness and a wait-and-see attitude are common. It takes time to pick a course of action. In some way, either the health or mental capacity of a family member can directly affect you and any major decisions you must make. Uncertainty surrounding this family member leaves you without a clear personal direction or goal since you cannot be sure how much assistance he or she will need in the future.

Domestic uncertainty is usually coupled with a lack of emotional definition. Your feelings may not be clear to you, especially if the Moon is not strong in the solar return or has a conflicted interpretation. Emotional dilemmas can divide your feelings between two or more options. If you are dealing with a very withdrawn family member, you might not understand exactly what is going on. Misunderstandings and confusion persist; clear information is not available. For some, emotional clarity will not be important. The tendency is to offer assistance regardless of feelings. Emotions are generally on outflow, not intake, and the needs of others supersede your own. Self-sacrifice is possible if you have mixed feelings about someone who is in great need of assistance, but don't let situations become so lopsided or negative that they become detrimental to your own well-being.

Neptune implies increased spiritual attunement to your sense of purpose here on the earth plane by first washing away preconceived notions so that new sensitivities can be felt. Increased compassion in the home and for family members helps to establish a new code of behavior. The roots of this new code are in a spiritual identification with higher forces brought about by newfound sensitivity. The first manifestation of this new code is in the home, but spiritual insights defined now may be expanded to other areas of life as Neptune moves on.

Pluto In The Solar Return Chart

In the solar return chart, the interpretation of Pluto includes an understanding of the issue of power and its various manifestations, which can be directed toward three different points of focus and through three different life processes. Complications are associated with all of these orientations and processes since each manifestation is multidimensional and complex, occurring not only on the physical level, but on the intellectual, emotional and spiritual levels as well. Within these complex situations, power can be focused on three different targets: the self, others, and/or circumstances. As a rule, the power to control oneself is mostly beneficial, the power to control others is mostly detrimental and the power to control situations varies according to the circumstances involved. By studying Pluto's house placement in the solar return chart, you can assess in which areas of life these control issues are most likely to arise. The scope and effects of the power issues are seen through the connections to other solar return planets.

Power also manifests through three different processes. One may choose sameness, elimination or transformation. When you choose to keep things the way they are, it is implied that there is some force urging you to change and you are resisting this force. A possible power struggle might ensue. When you choose elimination, you relinquish control over some facet of your life or refuse to have further contact. When you choose change, you may be either yielding to an outside power or actively seeking transformation of that which already exists. Let us explore the power orientations and processes further.

Three Different Points of Focus

Generally, the focal point of self is beneficial. As long as you are using Plutonian insights and techniques to control yourself, to own your own power and to further your own growth, the process will be a positive learning experience, unless you overcontrol yourself, succumbing to hair-shirt asceticism, taking self-denial to absurd extremes. The greater your awareness of yourself and Universal principles, the more likely you are to make good decisions. You become the captain of your own destiny. Enlightenment leads to power and power leads to enlightenment as a rewarding cycle of manifestation is set in motion.

However, those who use psychological insights to control and block their own growth waste precious energy. They set up a negative pattern of stagnation wherein insights are not accepted as they are, but twisted to fit previously conceived notions about life and self. Rather than progressing through enlightenment, the individual uses insights as weapons against growth and understanding, opting for sameness despite new information. Contradictory realizations are not allowed to surface; instead they are either suppressed or misinterpreted. In very negative situations such as these, the power associated with increased Plutonian awareness and its creative potential is never realized.

The same thwarting of personal growth is evident when you shift your attention from self to the need to control others. By and large, this is not a good focal orientation. The symbolism of the planets exists in your consciousness so that you can grow and prosper from insight. Since growth begins at home, the main thrust of the focus should always be toward self, and it is generally unnecessary and also counterproductive to shift the emphasis to an external struggle. The most efficient use of power exists on the internal plane because it takes much less energy to control your own reactions than to seek power over someone else. Once power is removed from the inner self and used to control others, the effectiveness is reduced. Stalemated power struggles are particularly detrimental because they deplete resources. It is conceivable that there are life situations where it is essential to control another person. For example, children, disabled or elderly loved ones may not be able to make informed decisions. In these situations you might be asked or forced to wield power over another. You are meant to grow from all your experiences. Even in these instances, self-awareness and insight are crucial to the decisions you make. Start with yourself first, then work your way outward. Blaming others for your problems distorts the perception of self and the realization of your own personal involvement. Always be aware of the interactive process and the role you play in it. This internal perspective is of primary importance, much more so than the process of controlling someone else.

Trying to control life situations can lead to power struggles, but at some point in your life it may be essential to make a stand for the good of your own growth or that of world consciousness. Ultimately, it is much better for you to control yourself, but this is not always possible. Someone can be seeking to control you, your family or your livelihood. Certain injustices must be corrected for everyone to progress, and sometimes the only viable option is to work for change. Always be aware of the struggle you take on. It is usually easier to correct a situation than to convince your opponent he or she is wrong. It is easier to get forgiveness than permission. Go for the simplest task that gets the job done. For example, your office routine might be very inefficient and next to impossible to accomplish in a day's time. Perhaps you see where improvements can be made, but your immediate boss disagrees with you or thwarts your efforts. As long as you continue to try and convince your immediate boss of the need for change, you will get nowhere. If you can easily go over his or her head to a higher boss, this could be an effective way to handle the stalemate. Seek the quickest solution to a problem if one is available. Do not get locked into long, drawn-out struggles if they are not necessary.

Ultimately, power struggles can have either beneficial or detrimental results, depending on your perspective. In the external environment, you may or may not win, assuming there can be a victor. More than likely, victory, if it comes, involves compromise for all involved. But the inner process of awakening one's own ability to effect a creative change in the environment is usually beneficial. You can make a difference. The creative potential associated with Pluto comes from a penetrating insight into the hidden worlds of the unconscious and an understanding of the Universal laws of Karma. Powerful insights should spring spontaneously from the situations associated with Pluto's placement in the solar return chart. Suddenly you can become aware of new forces, subtle and previously unnoticed, which seem to influence personal decisions and situations you are involved in. Once you have the insight, what you do with the information becomes crucial to the creative process.

The primary goal of the Plutonian process should be growth through awareness. Therefore it is essential, no matter what your focal orientation, to use information and insight gleaned from experiences to foster a new understanding of self and Universal principles. The main growth process begins and ends with the self.

Three Different Plutonian Processes

Plutonian power is associated with three different processes: keeping things the way they are, usually by resisting an internal or external force; changing the form of what already exists, i.e., transformation; or eliminating what is no longer useful or essential, a form of death. Any of these powers can be either beneficial or detrimental to the user or others involved. It is the purpose and intent of the process that is important.

The power to keep things the way they are can sometimes be an awakening to personal power. Implied here is a resistance to a force seeking change, and sometimes the intent of change is negative. The pressure can come from an external or internal source, and the changes desired may be either external or internal also. For example, if you are a recovering alcoholic facing a difficult life situation, you might feel the pressure to start drinking again. The pressure could come from your own wish to avoid major decisions, or from a person you are associating with.

In actuality the internal and external sources are really one and the same, a reflection of each other since internal needs draw external situations. In the situation given above, the individual seeks to remain a recovering alcoholic despite internal and external pressure. This is a positive goal and if attained, implies personal power. It is also beneficial to remain the same when others seek to control your actions and thwart free will. Pluto represents the insight necessary to perceive manipulative efforts as they arise and avoid ploys whenever possible.

In some instances, the power to remain the same can be a negative manifestation, actually causing the stagnation of growth. If you resist all new internal and external insights which would enhance your growth or cause you to make changes, little progress will result. You will stall. When your purposes are not in keeping with Universal Good or personal benefit, you are more likely to be involved in a negative use of Plutonian power.

The process of elimination can be very cleansing, even though a symbolic death is involved. If you streamline your business or office procedures, letting go of compulsive and unnecessary activities, this is a death of sorts, but much to your benefit. So is a budgetary review which eliminates the fat from your spending practices and allows you to cut back on your work schedule. In more serious circumstances, perhaps all you can do is release a situation that is detrimental to your progress. Letting go can be a positive choice, but it might also be a negative one if you cut someone out of your life without resolving or releasing the conflict. If this is true in your case, avoiding persons or situations will consume your energy. Transformation is the process whereby a situation, thing or level of consciousness is changed into a new, and hopefully higher, manifestation. Careers, marriages and self-images can all be transformed for the better. Commonly, though, we think of the transformation process in terms of psychological insight and level of consciousness. Information from subtle sources or the unconscious is gradually or suddenly made available to either the rational mind or the Higher Self, and subsequently a change occurs on the mental, emotional or spiritual level. Information that was previously unavailable becomes understandable through the process of insight, and power is released through new awareness. This can be a very enlightening and beneficial transition, but naturally it is what you do with the information that is important. If intellectual, emotional and spiritual growth are triggered by the new awareness, the process continues to be positive; however, if instead you use your newfound insight to control others or block growth, you have used your knowledge in a negative way.

Misuse of the Plutonian process creates an inability to continue on the life path until issues are resolved and lessons are learned. Stagnation occurs as the individual fails to progress to the next level of comprehension or misinterprets the task at hand. Power struggles can be the cause of such stagnation, and should be taken on only after careful consideration of the issues and implications. Power struggles are expensive in terms of time and energy. Some are essential to growth, others are self-inflicted. Know the source. Ideally, if you avoid a conflict in Pluto's solar return house placement, you should have more resources available for higher awareness. Conflicts consume energy and sap the strength necessary for the ascent. Without opposition, one can move quickly when concentrating on insight and awareness. Barriers can be torn down and the connections among all things become apparent.

But a world without struggle is the ideal, and not necessarily the reality. Your situation may require that growth be attained through struggle. The resistance may stimulate your awareness and creativity. Real progress might only occur after the resolution of conflict or during respites in the battle. However, within a long-lasting, stalemated struggle, one is more likely to get caught in a circular argument going nowhere. Nonproductive battles can be avoided by those who work toward increased awareness.

Solar Return Pluto in 2nd house:

Dramatic changes in financial situations are associated with Pluto in the 2nd house. Your income may increase or decrease during the year and it is not uncommon to either enter or exit the job market at this time. Income losses can be preplanned and may not indicate any difficulty. You may wish to quit your job or retire. Unexpected salary cutbacks or financial difficulties are possible, but generally changes in salary come from self-initiated decisions.

The task for the year is to work toward controlling your own finances, including both income and outflow (spending practices). In the more positive manifestation, you will want to manage your own money. You must be the person in control, the one who decides how much you will or will not earn, and how you will spend it. It's time to either draw up a budget or trim the fat off the old one. Perhaps you want your own checking and/or savings account if you do not already have these. Learn to handle money responsibly. The tendency with this placement can be to maintain tight control over expenses. All purchases can be well thought out in advance, with allocations for specific expenses.

The need for personal financial control might cause a problem for your spouse, parent or significant other. Financial struggles over debts and expenses are possible, especially if you have not maintained good control in the past or need to tighten your budget now. You may need to make some changes in order to meet your goals for the future. Changes generally involve spending less and saving a sum of money for a large expense further down the road. Some individuals realize that they must be free of financial concerns now in order to freely pursue goals which are not financially rewarding at this time. For this, you must stockpile funds now and learn to live on less money.

Financial control may be an all-or-nothing deal. It may be the total lack of control that rules your life. In this case impulse spending and large expenses will drain your capital. The inability to control spending results in serious financial disruption. In this negative case, disruption will last for the year.

Changes in self-worth are frequently associated with changes in income, since many measure their self-worth against a materialistic yardstick. For them, money equals self-value. Equations such as this reinforce psychological messages which define personal worth in the context of conditional love. Those with poor self-images will not be able to support their sagging self-esteem without external monetary confirmation. Once income stops or the flow of money tightens, one must face the issue of innate value separate from abilities and accomplishments. Grow to appreciate who you are regardless of what you are earning or doing.

10:20 a.m. - 11 January 2003


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