measi's Diaryland Diary


A full planetary birthday return chart, pt. 1

Birthday Report


Butte, MT

Introduction To Solar Returns And Their Interpretation

What is a Solar Return Chart?

A solar return chart is a chart erected for the time this calendar year that the transiting Sun returns to the position of the natal Sun. Approximately once every year the transiting Sun goes through the entire zodiac, every degree, minute, and second of each sign. When you are born, the Sun in your natal chart has a specific position in the zodiac. This position can be measured exactly. At some point in time during each subsequent year, the transiting Sun returns to this natal position, conjuncting your natal Sun. The date and time when the conjunction occurs down to the exact second of arc is the time of the solar return chart. A chart is then calculated for that date, using the time (of the transiting Sun's return to your natal Sun's position), and your birth location (longitude and latitude).

Tropical, Placidus, Nonprecessed Solar Return

There are many different types of solar return charts: tropical, sidereal, precessed, and nonprecessed. This report is based on research using tropical, Placidus or Koch, nonprecessed solar return charts. Interpretations are very similar to natal interpretations and this should make the material more understandable to both the professional and amateur astrologer.

Period of the Solar Return's Significance

The significance of the solar return runs birthday to birthday with a three month overlap at the beginning and end of each year. The symbolism of the new solar return can be felt as much as three months before the birthday by very intuitive people. Usually, at this time, one becomes aware of new directions, opportunities, and problems. Many times there is even an event exactly three months before the birthday which triggers awareness and signals the beginning of the new solar return. This event is usually very much related to the new solar return and very much out of context with the old one. If you have plans to travel overseas during the three months before your birthday, do not look for the event in the old solar return even if you have been planning to take the trip all year. The old solar return will probably indicate the planning stage, but the new solar return will indicate the trip. The trip itself illustrates change, and since it occurs in the three months before your birthday, it will most likely be indicative of the new solar return chart.

On the other hand, the significance of the old solar return may not feel pass� until three months after your birthday. The old themes and issues which you have worked with for the year should begin to lose their importance just as the new solar return starts to manifest itself. As your attention naturally shifts to new themes and issues, previous concerns are phased out. This is especially true if you experience a sense of completion relevant to the old tasks. However, there are times when the old solar return drags on. If you are working on a major project for the year, it may be impossible to complete it within the one year time span. If you normally procrastinate and avoid making decisions, tasks associated with the old solar return can easily last past your birthday and into the first three months of the new solar return year. Unresolved issues carried over from year to year become stumbling blocks to further advancement and development. Individuals who consistently avoid facing the real issues in their lives accumulate major problems which are very difficult to handle.

The important thing to remember about solar returns, and life experiences in general, is that they are part of a cumulative process. The more attentive and productive you are this year, the greater your options next year. The less you accomplish now, the more limited you will feel as time goes by. Unlike transits which can seem disconnected and singular, solar returns are closely aligned and can easily be viewed as building blocks, one upon the other, year after year. For this reason, each year becomes important and each task has a history and a future. The rhythmic pattern of the solar return helps us to see this.

The main transitional month for the change from the old solar return to the new solar return is the month directly preceding the birthday. Issues related to the old solar return are resolved at this time unless they drag on (as explained above), or they are part of the new solar return as well. Issues related to the new solar return become more pressing during this transitional month and are certainly full blown by the birthdate. Sometimes the new solar return simply gains strength during the three months before your birthday and sometimes it comes in with a bang on or near your birthday. Rarely does it happen that a solar return chart starts to change manifestation later in the year. Themes in the chart usually persist for the entire year, but once in a great while one new theme will appear later than expected. In every case, the new theme can be seen in the solar return chart, yet it lay there inactive for some unknown reason. An external event is the triggering mechanism used to activate this inert awareness, and the event generally occurs within the three months following the birthday. It can be hypothesized that unconscious factors help to avoid full involvement with this new issue until such time as it is associated with an external event of importance and thereafter becomes very obvious.

Planets conjunct a house cusp within a few degrees may be read in both houses. It is especially important to read outer planets in both houses since they eventually transit or retrograde into the other house, indicating dual or shifting concerns during the year. The more planets that are in a solar return house, the more emphasized that area of life will be during the coming year, especially if the Sun is one of the planets present. Four or more planets in any one house indicate a strong need to be involved with those themes and issues. But the individual may become so focused on this one area of life that perception is distorted and these themes are overemphasized. He or she may not want to think about anything else or accomplish tasks in other areas. The overloaded house becomes a symbol for obsessive preoccupation or emotional overload.

Astrological Data of Birth

The birth chart is a map of the positions of the planets at the time and place of birth. For the benefit of students of astrology, these positions and other technical information is listed below:

Sun 20 Cap 42Pluto 9 Lib 15
Mercury 4 Aqu 19Asc. 23 Sag 57
Venus 6 Aqu 37MC 21 Lib 32
Mars 22 Sag 342nd cusp 3 Aqu 19
Jupiter 15 Pis 123rd cusp 17 Pis 06
Saturn 15 Can 005th cusp 16 Tau 19
Uranus 2 Sco 106th cusp 5 Gem 55

Astrological Data of Solar Return:

Sun 20 Cap 42Neptune 9 Aqu 56
Moon 29 Ari 26Pluto 18 Sag 38
Mercury 21 Cap 49Asc. 28 Lib 11
Venus 3 Sag 50MC 5 Leo 15
Mars 26 Sco 152nd cusp 25 Sco 50
Jupiter 15 Leo 523rd cusp 28 Sag 50
Saturn 23 Gem 415th cusp 8 Pis 53
Uranus 26 Aqu 456th cusp 6 Ari 23

Aspects and orbs:

Conjunction: 7 Deg. 0 Min.

Opposition: 6 Deg. 0 Min.

Square: 6 Deg. 0 Min.

Trine: 6 Deg. 0 Min.

Sextile: 4 Deg. 0 Min.

Elements, Modes, Quadrants, And Retrograde Planets

Mercury is retrograde

Mercury is usually retrograde in the solar return chart every six years. When Mercury is retrograde, it is time to be introspective, especially about those things related to Mercury's house placement. You should be doing a lot of your own thinking and learning rather than depending on others. Integrate previously acquired information into your own individualized mind-set. Think of your mind as an overloaded cabinet or closet seriously in need of filing and organization. It is time to process. You probably already know everything you need to know to handle a certain life situation. If you continue to depend on others for advice, you will find conversations meaningless within the context of your own intellectual needs and experience. Be aware that your mental processes are not very receptive to new information at this time. Your mind is like a cup that is filled to the brim. Any additional knowledge spills over and is lost. Work toward integrating what you already know.

You can experience this retrogradation as a certainty that you know you are right and only you can make the best decisions concerning your own future. What others tell you might clash with what you already know and you could tend to disregard their comments. You may be right, but the danger is that you may be wrong. You can be so in tune with your own thoughts that you are totally on the mark; then again, you might be totally off the beam. Take the time to reorganize information by focusing inward. You might find that your own opinions, thoughts, and decisions truly work best for you. But be aware of the feedback others give you, which may be particularly valuable if you have missed the mark.

Secretiveness is also associated with Mercury retrograde. There is a tendency to withhold information and sometimes lie. Generally, there are two major reasons for doing this: one is that you really do have secrets which need to be kept; the other is that expressing your opinions or thoughts openly causes tension in your relationships. Retrograde Mercury is associated with biting your tongue and swallowing your own words in order to keep peace. Your true opinions may not emerge until the start of the next solar return.

This time is excellent for putting your thoughts down on paper and writing original material. You will be able to see things differently when your thoughts are written down and this is a good way to get organized. Old opinions and beliefs may be outdated so you need to reassess your thinking, reformulate ideas, and shed new light on a subject area.

The Sun In The Solar Return Chart

The Sun is the most significant planet in the solar return chart. Its position by house shows the most emphasized area of life during the coming year, how and where you expend the greatest amount of energy. The house placement of the Sun is reflected in the interpretation of the other planets, and may be the motivating force behind their symbolism.

Sun in 3rd house:

The Sun in the 3rd house of the solar return emphasizes your intellectual abilities and mental stability or the lack thereof. Intellectually, this is a time to gather information. Your mind is very active and you will want to read everything, know everything, and think about everything. Ideas abound and you are open to looking at life from a new perspective. But organizing your mind may be difficult, which is why this is a good time to study, write down your thoughts, or purchase a computer.

One way or another, your mind plays a crucial role in the events of this solar return year. The mental processes are key to the activities you are involved in, or central to the major problems you encounter. Your mind can work for or against you, and make or break the year. Acquiring knowledge may be the main focus of your attention and it is certainly advantageous to learn as much as you can during this time by attending school or taking a course. But you can feel intellectually inferior or frustrated by your educational attempts if you allow nervousness, indecision, and impulsiveness to affect your ability to think clearly and logically.

Mental instability is a possibility with the Sun in the 3rd house of the solar return. The Sun here is an even stronger indication of depression than Saturn. Depression, anxiety, irrational thinking, confusion and neurosis are possible extremes. Your mind is working overtime, and if you do not direct your thinking toward meaningful or educational pursuits, mental difficulties can arise.

You are probably more interested in thoughts than feelings this year (depending on the position and strength of the Moon and Pluto in the solar return chart). The Sun in the 3rd signals an emphasis on the thinking processes, so you will spend more time thinking about feelings than actually feeling them. Feelings will be analyzed and dissected rather than felt as you try to understand them from an intellectual perspective. This is not to say that you are cold this year, but you will have a greater tendency to screen your feelings and make logical decisions rather than emotional ones. You may find it difficult to integrate what you feel with what you think. If this is the case, unconscious material may compete with rational thoughts for control of your thinking processes.

The Sun in the 3rd can also show community involvement or activism. It becomes important who your neighbors are and what your neighborhood is like. You can expect to be more involved with those around you. This can be on an individualized level (one neighbor needs your help or one neighbor creates a problem) or this can be on a community level.

All means of communication are stressed, and you might want to work on your communication skills to increase your effectiveness with the spoken or written word. Some individuals will even take a course in communication-related topics such as effective listening, resume writing, advertising, etc. This is a time when you are more likely to use the telephone or the mail system regularly to communicate with people.

Sun Aspects Mercury

Just as in the natal chart, the solar return Sun is never more than 28 degrees from Mercury so does not form any major aspects other than the conjunction. Mercury conjunct the Sun indicates that the intellectual mind is actively involved in the goals of the Sun. Reading, writing, learning, and communication in all forms will be important to the pursuit.

The Moon In The Solar Return Chart

The solar return Moon seems to have two consistent themes throughout all of the houses. First and most simply, the Moon is associated with change and fluctuation according to its house position. Secondly, and probably more importantly, the Moon reflects the individual's emotional nature during the solar return year.

The Moon as an Emotional Indicator

While we speak of the Moon as simply an indication of one's emotional nature, the actual interpretation of the Moon is more complex than simple. The Moon is not just an indicator of feelings; one's emotional nature is a multidimensional conglomeration of feelings, temperament, needs, and unconscious responses. We cannot look at the Moon as one-sided; we must study its interpretation from a number of perspectives.

The Moon represents the individual's feelings regardless of whether or not they are expressed openly. The type of feelings you have during the year can be demonstrated by the Moon's sign, position, and aspects. The Moon's sign can be important even though the Moon has essentially only nineteen placements, because it is indicative of what the individual feels during the year and how he or she is most likely to exhibit those feelings.

The major difference between an individual's feelings and basic temperament is that feelings tend to make up one's basic temperament. The word temperament implies one's overall pattern of emotional response; it is an emotional factor that remains constant regardless of the circumstances. On the other hand, feelings imply a specific emotion in response to a particular event or situation. For example, moody people have emotional swings. Their feelings change depending whether or not they are experiencing happy or sad events; however, their proclivity toward emotional highs and lows remains constant regardless of their particular mood at any point in time. Despite feelings of joy or depression, they still have a moody disposition. The solar return Moon's sign is generally very descriptive of your emotional temperament. It can suggest an array of emotional characteristics including moodiness, sensitivity, coldness, or enthusiasm.

Emotional needs play a crucial role in the Moon's cycle of change and emotional maturation. As explained above, the Moon moves in an understandable pattern through the solar return. During each year, the individual knows certain emotional needs must be met in order to feel secure and fulfilled. These needs, which fluctuate from year to year, cause the individual to create the variety of situations necessary for emotional maturity.

Conscious or Unconscious Emphasis

The Moon also signifies the unconscious experience. While Mercury's placement will suggest what the person is consciously thinking, the Moon's placement will suggest what the individual is experiencing on an unconscious level. Together, the Moon and Mercury (and sometimes also the Sun) symbolize the balance between conscious and the unconscious processes. We like to think that our decisions are based on the integration of rational and emotional information, but during any given solar return year, one process more than the other can influence our decisions, perceptions, and motivations. The focus of attention shifts to accommodate fluctuations in individual patterns of growth. There will be years when you lean more heavily on your emotional responses, tending to trust your instincts and follow your intuition. But there will be other years when you depend more on a logical assessment of your situation.

The emphasis on the unconscious usually indicates a year in which the native will be interested in fostering emotional connections and unconscious insights. Logic and factual information may not be meaningful within the context of present situations, which will tend to be emotional. Example situations include (but are not limited to): involvement in counseling, therapy or self-help discussion groups; intense family situations (related to birth, child-rearing, sickness or death); and very nurturing social situations (e.g., communal living, helping the disabled, underprivileged or homeless). Emotional interactions and perceptions will naturally be more important if they are more likely to provide vital information needed to handle experiences during the coming year. An emphasis on the unconscious nature is conducive to emotional growth.

All forms of mental activity are associated with an emphasis on the conscious mind, including educational and informational activities. Teaching, learning, lecturing, and writing are several examples. An emphasis on the conscious mind is conducive to intellectual growth.

Solar Return Moon in 7th house:

The Moon in the 7th house of the solar return shows the probability of being involved in a nurturing relationship. This relationship does not have to be an intimate one, though this is a possibility. The caretaker quality is pronounced even in business relationships. You may be caring for family members or you may donate your extra time and money to a needy family that you know. If you are a secretary, you may be very involved with your boss's personal needs and comforts rather than clerical duties. If you are a physician seeing patients, you will be very concerned with your patients as individuals.

Personal involvement and concern is characteristic of this placement. It is very likely that you will personally relate on a regular basis to the individual you are helping. And unless the relationship is also an intimate one, it is common for the relationship and the nurturing activities to appear one-sided. Non-intimate relationships associated with the Moon in the 7th house are not equal. One person has more knowledge, expertise, status or responsibility than the other; one has more power and control than the other; one is cared for and nurtured while the other does the nurturing; one shares his or her feelings and the other just listens and/or helps. It is very common to be involved in professional or informal counseling relationships during the year. The individuals tend to be unequal and one person gives while the other receives.

Intimate relationships have a similar, yet slightly different, manifestation. Dependency issues are also common in these relationships and the individuals involved tend to assume polarized roles during the year. Examples include caretaker roles, stronger versus weaker or traditional male-female roles. Existing relationships change in some way and many times this is the change that occurs. Even if you and your partner have established a balanced relationship over a long period of time, it is usually the case that during this year, one, more than the other, needs to be supported emotionally, economically, or physically. The more dependent individual in the pair finds it difficult to make decisions, be assertive, or handle daily problems. The more dominant individual is usually in control and becomes responsible for the couple's future and welfare. Occasionally this is caused by illness, but it is more likely to result from subtle shifts in power within the relationship, or a greater need for understanding and support. Long-range goals, education, pregnancy, and child rearing may contribute to these power shifts. In very strained and difficult relationships, the balance of power is heavily weighted in one direction. The weaker individual finds it hard to attain a sense of individuality and yet is afraid to leave the relationship entirely. In very balanced intimate relationships, mutual nurturing is possible.

You may meet someone and become romantically involved during the year. You need greater emotional intimacy. Ideally, you will be able to establish a pattern of mutual support. But the Moon in the 7th house does not guarantee that your relationships will be naturally fulfilling. If you are involved with a partner who is capable and willing to match your need for closeness and sharing, then it is likely that your relationship will deepen and grow. However, if your relationship depends on your ability to care for the other's needs, and your partner is unable or unwilling to reciprocate now or in the future, then your relationship will be emotionally draining and difficult. Expect your moods to change with the positive and negative shifts in this relationship. Since change and fluctuation will be such a major factor in your relationships during this year, moodiness can be a problem until you learn to handle the changes.

You will tend to be more emotional than rational this year and you will follow your heart more than your head. This is because you may be more interested in emotional fulfillment than intellectual analysis of your situation. If you are truly in love with someone and the relationship is good, you will be able to support each other and overcome any obstacles. Your relationship will grow more intimate. But strained or blocked relationships will only become more difficult. It is the emotional connection, whether good or bad, that draws you to someone; unfortunately, this need for intensity and lack of objective thinking may enable you to remain in a nonproductive relationship with unrealistic expectations for the future.

The Moon in the 7th house is also a sign that unconscious complexes can complicate your present relationship. Former relationships which reinforced negative patterns of relating and left you feeling wounded may have left psychological scars which must be faced and dealt with now before greater intimacy can develop. It is essential that you seek to understand these complexes. Irrational fears, obsessions, possessiveness, jealousy, and lack of trust are just a few of the forms these complexes might take. This is an excellent time to see a marriage counselor or attend a marriage encounter. If your relationship is basically combative and neither of you is interested in deepening your commitment to each other, then emotionally difficult scenes will be generated by your feelings of hurt and rejection, both in this relationship and others. In this case, individual counseling is more appropriate.

Moon Aspects Uranus

Probably the most common activity associated with a Moon-Uranus aspect in a solar return chart is moving from one home to another. You may move yourself, or help someone either move in or out of your home. Domestic changes are likely. Usually, a certain amount of disruption transpires in the home. Expect breaks in your daily routine and habits. Most likely, relationships are also changing. You could be involved in a new relationship, or an old one may be going through a period of transition or separation. Either you or your partner initiates these changes.

Strong attractions are possible at this time, but this is not the most common manifestation. If you feel you are caught in an emotional rut, changes are more likely to occur. The external changes you experience in relationships are the direct result of internal restlessness. It stands to reason that if your situation and emotional needs change, you will be faced with new issues and problems, and be required to develop new ways of expressing yourself emotionally. This is one way to break inhibitions. The involvement in new situations will accentuate your ability or inability to handle emotions and relationships in a positive way. At the very worst, emotional control will be difficult and feelings will be erratic. You may be overwhelmed one day and detached or cool the next. You could say or do things without really considering the emotional consequences, but then, this might free you up to make necessary changes quickly and easily.

Mercury In The Solar Return Chart

Mercury has two basic interpretations in the solar return chart: it symbolizes both your mental condition during the coming year and what you are thinking about. The first task involved in understanding Mercury's interpretation is to evaluate the indicators for mental conditioning and the possible sources of tension.

Solar Return Mercury in 3rd house:

Mercury in the 3rd house suggests a strong inquisitive mind with a thirst for knowledge. You could spend a lot of time reading, writing, studying, or communicating. You want an influx of new ideas. Information that you gather during this year may relate to a project or particular field of interest. But it is also possible that your interests are scattered and the information is superficial. If you are attending school, learning may tend to be tedious and involve the memorization of numerous details. Interpreting Mercury's aspects and assessing the mental conditioning reflected in the chart can give you a better idea about what type of information is important and its purpose during the coming year.

All types of information can be important. Significance is not limited to educational material. This can be a time for major disclosures and realizations. Some individuals remember childhood sexual abuse while having Mercury in the 3rd house. Realizations and resurfacing memories can have major ramifications. It is possible that the information you receive at this time or have received in the past is false. You may be misinformed or even lied to. Mercury in the 3rd does not guarantee that the information you gather will be correct. There may be inconsistencies between what you are told and what you intuitively feel. It will be your task to assess what is truth and what is fiction.

Mercury in the 3rd house can suggest that the rational thinking processes are stronger than feelings. This is most likely to be so if the Moon is not particularly strong by house, sign, or aspect, and the chart is not watery. If the greater emphasis is on Mercury, decisions will be based on rational considerations rather than emotional needs. But if the Moon is very prominent in the chart, rational thoughts may be overwhelmed by emotional considerations. Emotions and rational thoughts may seem to contradict one another. You may be torn between what you know or hear and what you feel in your heart or sense intuitively. If you are very stressed, unconscious needs may surface. Negative feelings, obsessions, compulsions, phobias, and extreme anger may defy rational control.

Your mental attitude during the year is very important. You need to think clearly in order to function at an optimal level. Influences that either hinder or promote logical thinking. Among the more detrimental influences are abusive substances such as alcohol and drugs. Mental illnesses (especially depression and anxiety) are also negative influences which can affect one's ability to think clearly. These very negative manifestations correspond more closely to an individual's negative behavioral pattern than to any one specific astrological pattern in the solar return chart. Although stress may be suggested by the solar return chart, disease is not. Those who are intimately and enthusiastically involved in life experience few problems. For them, great excitement rather than stress fuels their thinking processes.

Venus In The Solar Return Chart

Venus is the key to understanding your relationships and financial situation for the solar return year. Many times these two areas go hand in hand; financial security tends to be coupled with secure relationships while financial difficulties are more likely to occur when close relationships are strained. Although this correlation is common, it is not the rule, and interpretations for finances and relationships should always be viewed separately. When assessing Venus in the chart, evaluate Venus twice, first with respect to the other relationship factors in the solar return and then with respect to the other monetary indicators. In this way, you can develop a clear picture of each area of concern.

Venus also indicates a need for comfort and it is informative to note what has preceded Venus in its present house position. If, during this year, Venus resides in a house which last year represented an area of conflict, Venus would imply an improvement in the conditions associated with that house and may indicate a healing process. Benefits commonly follow after much hard work. A Venus placement in the solar return chart following a more difficult placement during the previous year can indicate great reward. Your awareness of this possibility may encourage you to work harder in more problematic areas since you can see the rewards in the following year.


Venus, by house, shows what relationships will be important during the coming year. For example, Venus in the 3rd house might indicate that relationships with neighbors or community involvement will be emphasized. With Venus in the 6th house, pleasant office conditions, and good co-worker relationships will be important. But the interpretation of relationships as they appear in the solar return chart involves more than an understanding of Venus' house placement. Look at the 5th and the 7th houses, especially if you are interested in a love relationship. The more planets in these houses, particularly the 7th house, the greater the need to relate on a one-to-one basis. Generally, the 5th house shows sexual affairs, while the 7th house indicates a greater commitment (though not necessarily marriage). Clandestine affairs or secret relationships are more likely to occur when Venus and/or the Moon appear in the 12th house.

One fact about marriage and the solar return chart is surprising. The solar return is not necessarily a good indicator of a marriage during the year. The beginning of a relationship might be easily seen, but the marriage itself is more likely to be reflected in other techniques. On the other hand, postponement of a marriage or the refusal to make a commitment can be easily seen with Saturn, Uranus or Neptune in the 7th house.


Venus also relates to money and finances, and can be used to evaluate these circumstances for the coming solar return year. The house placement for Venus may indicate how you are most likely to generate income. This is sometimes true, but not always. Venus in the 9th implies a teaching salary, but if you don't teach, the emphasis will be on your beliefs concerning relationships. Don't stretch your economic interpretation of Venus' house placement. If the house position applies, the situation will be obvious. If the house position does not seem to apply to finances in particular, Venus will be more consistent with relationship situations during the year.

For finances, it is perhaps more important to look at the planetary placements in the 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses, especially if you are interested in the amount of money you will be able to earn by employment. The 2nd house is the primary money house, but it also gives indications of spending practices. Any planets in the 2nd can reflect your salary and/or your spending practices (regardless of how much money you earn); it is always possible to spend more than you make or make more than you spend.

Solar Return Venus in 2nd house:

One might think that Venus in the 2nd house of the solar return would be associated with increased money and materialism. Certainly you pay more attention to finances with this placement. But rather than increased money, Venus in the 2nd house is more likely to indicate easy money, the kind that requires no extra work on your part. The epitome of this interpretation is money that comes to you through welfare or unemployment checks. This is a possibility, although usually not the case. The most common manifestation is that money comes more easily because you cut back on your hours at work or refuse overtime. You may earn a little less, but the quality of your life seems more important than the extra income.

Venus in the 2nd normally indicates you are comfortable with the money you have or earn, so it is most likely that you anticipated this cutback in salary and either paid off your debts or made adjustments in your budget so the financial loss would not be noticeable.

Another common manifestation for this Venus placement is an increase in salary or funds available. As a rule, pay raises will not involve a great increase in time or effort on your part. If you work as a salesperson, you may land a huge account, thereby raising your commission without increasing your work load. If you are employed at a steady salary, you may be given a raise or bonus.

Another alternative is changing jobs and getting paid more for doing the same work. Your salary may remain the same, but funds become available through other means. Suppose you sell your home at a great profit and decide not to buy another home, or purchase one at a lower price. This leaves more money available without any extra work. Even if you do not get a raise, or do not work, small checks may come in the mail from unexpected sources (dividends, refunds, interest, etc.). Probably none of the checks will be large, but you will find them helpful. During the year, you should feel comfortable with the amount of money you have available to spend. You are unlikely to feel impoverished.

You are in the process of reassessing your value system. Priorities may be changed or even reversed. What may have been important before is no longer crucial; what you once took for granted is now cherished. Usually the shift is toward an appreciation of inner beauty and the quality of life, but some people experience Venus in the 2nd house as a surge in materialism. You may not want to do extra work to increase your cash flow, so you will try to think of less taxing ways to get more money.

You might also experience a moral or ethical conflict at this time, especially if Venus is heavily emphasized. Venus in the 2nd shows that moral issues will be reassessed, especially the issue of monogamy or loyalty to one person. Contrary to what one might think, traditional concepts are not always stressed. The interpretation of Venus in this house seems to be most closely related to proclivities shown in the natal chart and the rest of the solar return. Ethical issues focus on monetary practices such as accurate expense account reporting, appropriate fees for services rendered, and the disposition of funds. Several aspects to Venus in the 2nd can indicate mixed feelings with regard to these moral or ethical issues.

Mars In The Solar Return Chart

The planet Mars represents an outward thrust of energy in a solar return chart. It is an active energy geared toward producing an external manifestation brought about through interchanges with the environment. The arrow on the symbol for Mars illustrates this outward thrust and movement. The interplay with the environment and the area of greatest energy expenditure are shown by the aspects to Mars and its house placement. There can be a number of ways in which the outward thrust of energy and activity manifests in the external environment. Positive manifestations implied by Mars include self-motivation, independent action, initiation of new projects, assertiveness, fulfilling sexual encounters, and original or pioneering creations. But anger, aggression, and sexual abuses represent negative and wasteful expenditures. Energy lost in negative exchanges cannot be used productively.

Mars, by its very nature, denotes the spark of initiation and self-motivation. Original pursuits, independent actions and new projects are fostered during the year and are typically associated with those areas of life denoted by the house placement of Mars. Because of the new endeavors and the enthusiasm generated, these areas then become the focus of energy use as the level of activity increases and you begin to feel driven to work, accomplish, and complete. Sometimes ambition and competitiveness augment the need to excel, but an energetic attitude can flow without these personality traits since self-motivation tends to spring naturally from an inner source.

During the year, activities may be specifically tied to your ability or inability to be assertive. In its most positive manifestation, the planet Mars denotes an active force. Except for a few of the more subtle interpretations for Mars, the implication is an external thrust which affects other people, places, things or circumstances. For example, if you install a home office, you make a change in your living situation. If you start your own business, you do, in effect, change the environment. If you insist on control over your own finances, you create a more independent relationship style. In each of these cases, you are the individual initiating the activity and asserting your own needs which are essential to the task at hand. The inability to be assertive can only lead to frustrated desires and anger. Your efforts will be thwarted until you make adjustments in your thinking. When extreme frustration occurs, more energy is expended toward being angry than working toward correcting the problem.

The house position of Mars and its aspects to the other solar return planets provide information about the circumstances which will trigger angry responses in you. Anger may arise from a number of different circumstances, including, but not limited to, frustration at the inability to fulfill your own needs, aggression from others, stressful surroundings or unconscious resentment that has not been resolved. Anger is a signal that your attitude and/or environment need to change. Energy lost to anger cannot be used creatively. Anger that stimulates creative action can be recouped. Your task for the year will be to learn to deal effectively with these anger-producing situations. Do not allow anger to be triggered when insight coupled with assertiveness, tact or corrective action would suit your purposes better. As you focus on negative situations and gain understanding, you can begin to funnel your energies into the most positive manifestations.

Aggression is a distortion of assertiveness. Assertion is the defense and maintenance of your own rights; aggression is the infringement or attack on the rights of others. Anger is most likely the motivation for the attack, although psychological idiosyncrasies may provide other motivations (of which fear is the main culprit). All acts of aggression, by their very nature, should produce anger in the person attacked, though some individuals, because of their own psychological nature, respond in other ways. Where you find Mars by house position indicates where you are most likely to meet the aggressor during the coming year. Either you will have to deal with a hostile person in the environment or you will be confronted with your own acts of aggression. If you are able to meet your own needs through assertion and you know your own rights while conscientiously defending them, you are less likely to be the aggressor or allow aggressive actions to arise in others. You should be able to strike a balance between your needs, and rights, and the needs and rights of others. In this way, you maintain your position relative to the environment. But regardless of how fair you are in your dealings with others, you may still have to defend your own rights.

Mars as an indicator of sexuality is not consistent with the interpretation for every house position. There is the possibility that sexual intrigue can apply to the situations denoted by any of the planet's placements, but the connection is not always obvious. Themes of initiation, high energy output, anger, and aggression appear more consistently. For example, Mars in the 10th may mean a sexual attraction between you and your boss, but it is more likely for you to be extremely active in career endeavors. Your boss can be a prime motivator toward career success or he could actually be very offensive and thwart your efforts. Note the aspects between Mars and your other personal planets for further information. The sexual implications of Mars seem more obvious in the relational houses, but then individual differences apply. Sexual fulfillment is directly related to the appropriateness of sexual activity given the particular situation and any restraints or inhibitions involved.

Solar Return Mars in 2nd house:

For employed individuals, Mars in the 2nd house usually indicates an income based on commissions or sales. You are able to hustle for a higher income, and your earnings, at least in part, depend on how actively you focus on making money. Even if your income is normally based on a fixed hourly rate, you may be involved in an incentive program or contest which rewards you for the amount of work you are able to generate or handle. If you are considering self-employment on the side, then this might be a good time to piggyback a new budding career on top of a present full/part-time position. Your salary is then augmented by the second job. In some way, the amount of money you earn is at least partially tied to the amount of work you accomplish, and consequently, your income may be affected positively. If you refuse to put in any extra effort or even maintain your present level of involvement, your earnings might be affected negatively.

Mars in the 2nd is also indicative of individuals who either take a pay cut during the year, or do not charge enough for their services. Pay cuts are generally self-initiated, though not always. You can opt for a salary decrease if you really desire fewer working hours and more free time. If your focus is already shifting to other areas, you will not be willing to put extra time and effort into an old routine. Having more freedom gives you more time to work on future goals you are creating and pursuing. If you are self-employed or directly involved with the future success of your employer's company, you can accept a pay cut to insure the future viability of the business and your job. It is possible that both manifestations of Mars, hustling for money and accepting a pay cut, will operate within the same year. For example, if you start your own business, you may leave a steady job with a good salary. Initially, you earn less and have to hustle to establish your business and draw new customers.

Arguments over finances are possible if you are sharing resources with another person. How you earn money (or what you do for a living), and how you spend money (or what bills you pay, don't pay, and what you choose to purchase), may be points of contention. You feel the need to decide personally how you will earn money and what you will do with it once you get it. For those who are not employed during the year, but are dependent on others for financial support, this placement can be associated with arguments over the distribution of funds. With Mars in the 2nd house, you should normally want to participate actively in the money-making process, but if you do not work, the ambition normally reflected in your own earning power can be projected onto the provider. He or she may or may not have your same desire for success, but generally will not meet your expectations. His or her perceived ineptitude or mismanagement becomes a bone of contention. The underlying issue is not his or her failure as a provider; this person cannot meet your needs since these needs are innately your own. You cannot give away energy and expect others to use it solely for the purpose intended.

Mars in the 2nd indicates your own need to be financially successful, independent, and in control of your financial resources. It is difficult to do this when you are not working. The best way to proceed is to take action on your own. Carve out your own little financial niche. Become a fund raiser for a nonprofit organization or your child's PTA association. Help your spouse or counterpart by taking the initiative in areas he or she has not considered. Lend support by establishing yourself as an independent and equal financial partner. Don't squander your own abilities and ignore your own needs. Complaints are no substitute for financial potential and ambition. If you feel that you cannot work in any capacity at this time, realize that others cannot and should not be held responsible for your psychological need for success in this area. If you do not understand this principle, your behavior can become self-defeating. You can spend money impulsively, faster than your provider can make it, which is a negative form of financial control (or lack thereof).

The 2nd house is also the house of self-worth, material values, and traditional morals. During the year, you will be very aware of how others treat you and whether or not you receive the respect you deserve. If you are not fully appreciated, you can assertively or even aggressively stand up for yourself, your decisions and your life-style. Your material value system is changing and you set new priorities which are more consistent with your personal perspective. Moral decisions are made independently and you are willing to support your stance vocally. You are not afraid to go against the grain and will actively pursue what you deem worthy or essential even if you must defend or protect yourself from the remarks of others.

Mars Aspects Uranus

Strong changes, usually self-initiated, are associated with Mars-Uranus aspects. Changes range from a constant stream of minor adjustments to dramatic and sweeping transformations. Either form can be beneficial or detrimental depending on individual differences and manifestation. The energy patterns are shifting and the individual no longer wants to be tied down to the same old routine. Something new or exciting is expected and encouraged. During the transitional stage, behavior patterns might be somewhat erratic, and on-again, off-again situations are not uncommon. Changes and the need for greater freedom can lead to sudden separations and broken relationship ties. Freedom of action may be an issue and any restriction will be met with assertiveness if not anger. Speed may be of the essence and therefore time delays are unlikely. Matters tend to move forward quickly.

The real danger associated with Mars-Uranus contacts is the tendency toward accidents of one form or another. Here we are talking about automobile accidents, freak accidents, radical unexpected changes in direction that lead one to stumble either literally or figuratively. Generally, accidents result from suppressed anger or conscious rage. Nine times out of ten, they will not come out of the blue without an internal calling card. Life is a mystery and this is not always the case, but it is frequently so. Anger, suppressed or expressed indiscriminately, can be coincidentally linked to many an accident. The issue is not whether you allow the anger to seek expression: the issue is one of directing the energy into a creative and productive outcome. Sticking you head in the sand is not the answer and actually may be one of the worst things you could do. If you have a Mars-Uranus aspect in your chart, remain aware of your frustrations and the options available for dealing with them.

Jupiter In The Solar Return Chart

Jupiter has a number of possible interpretations in the solar return chart and any or all of the following meanings can manifest according to house position. First and foremost, Jupiter tends to imply a benefic event associated with its placement. How these benefits come about and the area of life affected are usually shown by the house position.

All opportunities will probably involve expansion into new areas of activity. The primary function of the Jupiter principle is to expand beyond the scope of previous experience. One is not to remain in a static condition; growth is not only implied, but expected. Jupiter's slow and consistent movement through the zodiac implies the steady growth needed to advance.

One of the most common activities associated with growth and expansion is the pursuit of an education. The impetus to learn is closely associated with any push to grow and our definition of learning in this case is not limited to a structured environment (school), but can include self-teaching and life-experience training. Although education is not always a consideration for every Jupiter house placement, it can be considered to have an impact on any of the houses.

Areas of expansion can easily become areas of excess and this is a problem with Jupiter. Growth can be uncontrolled and purposeless, dwarfing any push for real attainment or benefit. For example, overeating may supplant a desire for nutritious food when Jupiter is in the 6th house. The weight gain takes the place of education. Already existing situations associated with any house placement of Jupiter may boil over if extreme limitations were previously the norm. This is especially true when emotions overwhelm the individual after a long period of emotional suppression. Any Jupiter placement can signal a false god. One or more activities associated with Jupiter's house may be emphasized to such a degree that a distortion of perception results, creating the false god.

Perhaps excesses are directly and proportionately related to suppressed urges. We now zoom ahead where we previously lagged behind, making up for lost time. The overwhelming impetus enables us to grow and expand at a rapid pace. The task is to avoid restricting this growth, while staying in control. The best option is one of channeled and structured enthusiasm.

A question of ethics and morals is often associated with the house placement of Jupiter. Unlike Saturn, which is more representative of societal structures and expectations, Jupiter implies the need for a philosophical (or sometimes religious) consistency between what you are doing physically and what you believe you should be doing ethically or morally. The underlying belief is always at the center of any conflict, not the external expectation. Jupiter by house indicates a desire to review those beliefs commanding a strong influence over one's philosophy of life and code of behavior. Current beliefs may be limiting future growth or freedom. Within this perspective, hypocrisy and moral dilemmas are more commonly a problem than the frustration associated with Saturnian external laws.

Solar Return Jupiter in 10th house:

Jupiter in the 10th house implies an easy flow of opportunity and advancement in the career arena. The harder the person has worked for this success in the past, the greater the opportunity for advancement now. Those who have done little to foster their own success might still advance, but if so, they are more likely to be at the beginning of a professional climb and will not be able to go as far as those who are better prepared. Regardless of your position, a chance for advancement can materialize without a lot of work on your part. Opportunities may specifically relate to a new field of interest, and moving into a new career arena can be so easy that one only realizes the transition in hindsight. This is a time when most career maneuvers can be accomplished easily. Sometimes little or no effort is needed to acquire a new job. You can be at the right place at the right time. You can also be released from a difficult employment situation of the past.

If you are self-employed or in a position where the development of a clientele is important, you will most likely find that, by the end of the year, you no longer need to search out clients; they come to you of their own accord. If you own a business, you may expand your operations into new areas, open a new branch office, relocate the factory, or seek a more beneficial working environment. Both owners and employees can use professional connections to network with others in the profession.

Those intent on staying with a chosen profession or job can enhance their present situation by seeking in-office opportunities for advancement or options to improve daily procedures. If you have performed well in the past, you may expect to be promoted. Transfers and travels to new locations, even overseas, are possible if they are self-initiated and welcomed. Past or future educational goals can play a role in governing your options. Educational benefits or on-the-job training opportunities could be made available to you. In the best possible scenario, the career becomes a point of stability and success in the life pattern for the year. If you are unhappy with your present position, this is an excellent time to change jobs or careers.

Too much of a good thing is the negative manifestation with this placement. Short-term goals may overrun long-term career needs. You may be so busy advancing that you skip over necessary steps or compromise your own business ethics. Advancement may require that you maintain jovial relationships with authority figures, and this may or may not be in your best interest in the long run. Analyzing the lines of stress coming out of the 10th house can help you to envision the possibility of being put in a compromising position and the implications of such a dilemma. Opportunities abound and one does not necessarily have to settle for less.

(cont, next entry)

10:18 a.m. - 11 January 2003


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