measi's Diaryland Diary


Cheerleading via AIM at its finest

A big hearty congrats to Minarae, who finished about an hour and a half before I did on her [nanowrimo] novel. :) I don't know how she's feeling yet (hell, she's probably still asleep this morning!), but I'm rather brain-fried.

It hasn't sunk in yet. Wait for that entry later today.

For those who are still plugging-- keep going. Even if you don't hit 50, set a goal for yourself for the week and reach that. And then celebrate. :)

If nothing else, find someone you can write with and do some co-cheerleading with via AIM or MSN or whatever. It helps. Considerably.

Here's my recap of last night, since I'm too fried for anything else right now. Must. Find. Coffee.

~ Mel.


Minarae: *waving* how's that beer? ;)

Mel: oh, nice and cold. :)

Mel: Sam Adams Octoberfest. :)

Minarae: heh...I'm jealous, i have no beer and you know, I could use one right now...

Mel: Oh, I'll bet. *hands you virtual beer... better than nothing*

Minarae: Heh...thanks dear....

Mel: no problem.

[snipping conversation about ideas for gifties for a certain young B. baby in the Rockies�]

Minarae: Mel, i'm going to make myself finsih this damn story tonight....I literally do not know what I wrote through half of my manuscript...I can't wait to sit and read through it...LOL

Mel: I'm planning on putting mine away for December and then pulling it out in January when I've had time to step away.

Minarae: yeah, I've promised K. and J. that they get to read it, but I'm going to walk away and leave it alone....

Mel: Erich hasn't asked me yet, oddly. He's being supportive, but I think he's gotten the clue that this one is mine. Maybe next year he can read it.

Minarae: It's odd, usually, I hold my stuff close and like NEVER let people read it (except J., since he's a) a dear friend and b) an actual published writer who give great critiques) but this time, I'm so amused by the whole thing that I want to share the enterainment value

Mel: I usually do, too. I think I just want this one to be a bit more to what I envisioned originally before I let someone read it. I just got too stressed out with the deadline.

Minarae: Yeah, I think the deadline can work either way...... For me, it awakend my competitive spirit...;)

Mel: yeah. Usually it would help me a lot. But once I started falling behind and never got caught back up until I cheated, I just started to get that "oh, fuck this" attitude.

Minarae: Right now, I'm ashamed to admit I'm being driven by the fact that I will be the third San Diegan to finish if I do this tonight....LOL

Mel: LOLOL Not bad.

Minarae: yeah, tehre's a reason i don't play games too often... ;)

Mel: Actually... if I take some journal entries from November I could potentially finish tonight... *scratches chin* And then kick back and relax and write the rest out over the holiday weekend at my own pace.

Minarae: there you go! J. actually told me not to forget to stick some shopping lists in... so far there's been a gay rodeo, a retelling of my broken ankle, and one long sex scene used to eat up pages....

Mel: hahahaha... Yeah, Erich kept offering to write a lesbian sex scene for me, but didn't.

Minarae: lesbian ninjas!!

Mel: now he's saying he doesn't know if he can remember how to write a sex scene. (yeah... I believe THAT one)

Minarae: *snort* uh huh RIIIIIGHT

Mel: I think he could write about lesbian ninjas quite easily. He spent most of the weekend playing Unreal Tournament. :)

Minarae: LOL....well there you go..... 2640 words left...and it's only 5:20! Rock on

Mel: woo hoo! Go baby go!

[snipping discussions about cat, worming issues, and bitching about the weather]

Minarae: (okay I'm turning into an even more obsessive word count checker...)

Mel: LOLOLOL. Where are you?

Minarae: 47,687

Mel: OOOH... almost at 48... come on Minarae....

Minarae: all of the characters are going to be wrapped up at a wedding....

Mel: oh, how romantic. :)

Minarae: Well I figure it will provide lots of opportunity for filler...LOL

Mel: Oh, definitely.

Minarae: i mean just the descriptions of the clothes...LOL

Mel: or lack thereof after the wedding? ;)

Minarae: LMAO..if necessary!!

Mel: *evil grin*

Minarae: Okay how cute is it when cats watch TV???

[snips conversation about TV and commercials]

Mel: current word count?

Minarae: 47871 I'm such a multitasker...LOL

Mel: oh, of course, dear

Minarae: I'm writing, talking to you AND watching the Simpsons..... heh...

Mel: So... any lesbian ninjas crashing the wedding? Damn. i'm impressed

Minarae: we'll see...i might add some jsut a surprise for K. and J..... ;)

Mel: *snicker*

Minarae: This will be the first project I've managed to finish this year LOL

Mel: congrats! You've worked hard at it, too.

Minarae: thanks... :)

Mel: I actually might get done tonight. Just possibly.

Minarae: rock on!!! see now that would DEFINTIELY deserve a scorpion bowl... ;) [from discussions from email earlier in the day and how I needed one.]

Mel: Oh hell yeah

Minarae: tricks I've picked up....lots of adjectives and adverbs, characters with two names (Hannah Jane and Anne Marie are two of mine)

Mel: Hee hee hee. I've found myself strangely attracted to long rambling sentences with lots of commas.

Minarae: characters repeating each other ME TOO!! I am the queen of runons...LOL

Mel: gah, tell me about it.

Minarae: oo, I'm on page 149!

Mel: cool.

Minarae: 48054!!

Mel: I need to start writing tonight. Need to go fetch the laptop. Under 2000 to go!

Minarae: my Goddess above, I'm actually going to do this....LOL yes, write write write! ;)

Mel: I'll try!

Minarae: (my turn to play cheerleader...heh)

Mel: I'm getting there. Just warming up...

Minarae: at least until K. appears to shoot emails at ;)

Mel: I'm writing... don't mind me. I just can't multitask. Tell me when you get to 50. :)

Minarae: right on...LOL it's a side effect of my job I think....

[snipped TV show discussion� mostly Will and Grace and Law & Order]

Minarae: 48440......

Mel: getting there... almost there! Where are ya?

Minarae: LOL...only distracted.... 1345 left!

Mel: lolol I'm going to go eat, but I'll be back.

Minarae: okie dokie...i'll be here! :) [a few minutes later] less than a thousand!!!!!

Mel: Hello~ I am home, but away from my computer and have left my away message on. Please leave a message (with your email address) and I'll get back to you once I check my email. ~ Mel, 10:12:31 PM

Mel (10:17:55 PM): woo hoo! Keep going!!!

Minarae: and I am so craving Taco Bell right now...LOL....and I won't go til I finish!

Mel: must. keep. going. You're almost there!!!! then you can go and pig out on tacos and gorditas all you want.

Minarae (10:19:12 PM): damn straight...LMAO

Mel: heh heh heh. and stop your finger trembling over there!

Minarae: LOL.... this stupid toe is annoying me...

Mel: no... ignore stupid toes. Just write! (being a brat, I know)

Minarae:, I need it!! 683 more words!

Mel: go go go.... YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

Minarae: less than 500!!!

Mel Woo hoo!

Minarae: 387 words!!! oh my Goddess above, these last 200 words are killing me!

Mel: You're almost done!!! *giving visions of tacos* LOLOL... You can do it! Lesbian ninjas! Lesbian ninjas!

Minarae: last sentence is going to be �And them lesbian ninjas rained down from the sky, beating down everyone with large rubber dildoes�;

Mel: LOLOL! Kinky. I THOUGHT there would be more than a wedding scene.

Minarae: ACK...27 words!!!

Mel: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog who was sleeping in his house under a bright full moon.

Minarae: LMFAO...

Mel: there. Now you have... 7. Your sentence. Add your sentence!!!!

Minarae: YES...I got to 49997 without it, that sentence will push me over!

Mel: hee hee hee! save a copy of that bugger and get it counted over at the site!

Minarae: here's my last sentence.... �And then a band of lusty, busty lesbian ninjas rained down from the trees, beating down everyone with large rubber dildoes before running off with the entire wedding cake.�

Mel: WOO HOO! Kinky.

Minarae: 50026!!!!!!!!

Mel: That should be the title of your entry tomorrow. Yaaaaaa!

Minarae: Oh man, I CAN NOT BELIEVE THIS....LOL

Mel: *does happy dance, throws confetti at you* (waiting patiently for the count result at Nano)

Minarae: uploading now....LOL *humming the Jeopardy tune*

Mel: lolol

Minarae: *gettin' down to Jungle Boogie* WOOHOO, it's official!!!

Mel: Oh yeah! :) Now... go eat something before you pass out.

Minarae: Oh my Goddess above, I got my winner icon...I am so totally putting it on my poage in about two seconds....

Mel: Woo hoo! I actually have managed to crank about 4,000 tonight. I'm psyched. I'm just going to stay up... I'm now inspired. :)

Minarae: rock on sisterfriend!!!!

Mel: Will do. It will get done. oh yes. It will get done!

Minarae: must finish so that we can gloat together!!!

Mel: yep. I can be tired at work tomorrow. I don't work Wednesday, after all!

Minarae: too true!!!

[snipped discussions about holiday travel]

Minarae: updating my template now....heh....

Minarae: lessee if I made it work....

Mel: yep. oh that new graphic suits you so well!

Minarae: muahahha!!! muahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Mel: hee hee hee!

Minarae: yes, i'm laughing like a fool....

Mel: very nice, Evil!Minarae Was it an evil novel?

Minarae: naw, it was totally cheesy....LOL

Mel: hee hee hee. Oh, but the ending was so good! Such splendor! Such drama! Such violent kinkiness!

Minarae: I should have written a whol story about those damn ninjas.

Mel: *snicker* next year, dear.

Minarae: LOL...yep, lesbian ninjas and dragons who eat them....

Mel: I should have written a forgotten realms novel about my character. That will be next year. :) Now.. off to food with you! Celebrate. Step away from the computer. ;)

Minarae: totally....taking a major break from this chair let me tell you...

Mel: *nods* I can understand that!

Minarae: *BIG GIANT HUGS for my cheerleader* Thanks babe...hang in there, you'll make it too!!!

Mel: I'm cranking.... getting there. I'm at 46. I can do this tonight!

Minarae: Taco Hell here I come..... ;)

Mel: Yeah, I know... I'll get there. :) And no problems at all cheering you on!

Minarae: Rock on!!!

Mel: :) Have a good night!

10:16 a.m. - 26 November 2002


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