measi's Diaryland Diary


New experiences

Generally, I consider myself to be a pretty laid-back person when it comes to different cultures. I don't judge unless there's a direct hatred expressed toward me. I don't condemn, unless there's direct hatred expressed toward me. And in fact, I find the discovery and education of different cultures and subcultures fascinating.

With [erich] helping his parents with some final preparations on the house before getting it appraised for the market, and no game happening up in Nashua, I have this entire weekend to myself. Time to get some organizing done, to relax, and to spend time with people I haven't seen in a while. Namely Ogre and his girlfriend, Rachael. I've known Ogre the longest of anyone here in Boston-- I met him as a freshman through friends. Ogre's one of those guys who just knows everyone for some reason-- he's an extremely friendly, light-hearted guy who loves spending time with people and just has an infectious laugh that draws people to him. He's intelligent, well-grounded, and just... cool. Spending time with him is always a bunch of fun, whether it's in a crowd or one-on-one for dinner. Rachael is quite similar, but adds that New York attitude in with the jovialness. She's a tough cookie, dripping sarcasm, and just a riot to see alongside Ogre. They compliment and contradict each other.

Ogre and I have had this amazing ability to ALWAYS be busy as hell when the other one has time to hang out. So we see each other maybe once or twice a year. But we have a good friendship-- it picks up right where it left off last time. In this case, that was Arisia back in January.

Ogre discovered "the scene" (that would be BDSM) about four years ago, and at first tried to get me into it. At that time in my life, I was NOT ready for such an idea, but I was very cool about him having found an interest in it. He was happy, he found it exciting. Who was I to take that away from him? We talked about it. He found it puzzling but cool that someone not interested in being a part of the scene had no problems discussing it.

It also surprised me, since I have a tendency to be very fearful about talking about my feelings and fears about sex. I think part of it is just the type of person Ogre is... you can trust him to be confidential. He will ask your permission to talk with someone else about something. If you say no, he's cool with it. Ogre and I have had a LOT of long talks about relationships, and particularly about physical attractions. He's the guy I go to for questions on perception, because I trust him to be honest about answers. And he is-- and very straight forward, without laughing or looking incredulous about the questions being asked.

I like that.

So amidst our friendship and these discussions, twice per year the invite goes out to me to attend one of the hangout socializing events: the Fetish Flea. I've always had something else planned by the time he invites me. Remember, we have wonderful timing. Ogre's always been cool, but wishes I could come to one of them. And in truth, I was curious about what it would be like, so I wanted to attend one, too.

This year, all of the timing worked out perfectly. Erich was going to attend with me, but then was called to his parents house to work. But there was no game, and no other events planned. And the flea was being held only a short walk from my apartment. No problem. I figured I'd pop in there, hang out for about an hour or so, maybe see if there were any less-intense toys that interested me, and then head home to get some stuff done.

Somehow, I wound up working at the fetish flea. Yep, me. The non-scene person. :) I started hanging out with Ogre and Rachael, and then while spending time with them, just started helping out. The owners of the booth were totally cool with it-- to the point that I was the person carrying the money box out at the end of the day to the car. I helped them break down the booth, and was rewarded with a free yummy steak dinner at the Outback.

So the hour or so trip to the Cyclorama in the South End ended up being a full-day of selling feathers and floggers (neither of which I've ever used in my sex life-- the irony kills me), meeting all sorts of people-- from hardcore whips-and-chains types to the married couple looking for a couple of things to spice up their sex life. People were friendly, catching up with other people that they only see at these types of events. It was just like a sci-fi convention, only there were whips and leather goods hanging all over the walls. A few people were fairly undressed-- there were about a half-dozen women topless, save an X of electrical tape over each nipple. Some were skinny. Some were plus-sized women. But in that atmosphere, there was nothing wrong with it. No one stared. To be honest, I found it wonderfully refreshing and relaxing. The sexual topic taboo was eliminated.

I got home at 11 p.m.

Oh, and did I forget to mention that for my hard volunteer work, I received a bundle of tickling feathers and a $40 flogger for free?

*shakes head*

I'm amused. Highly amused. I had fun. Not sure what I'm going to use the flogger, for, though. It'll probably join the other one I bought as a joke in Provincetown a few years back as a collective item on the shelf.

Or maybe not. *blushes*


1:01 p.m. - 21 July 2002


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