measi's Diaryland Diary


100 Things About Me

This is one of the LMAO's that I'm doing over at Nervousness. Figured I'd put it here, too.

1. I was named according to my hair color. I would be a Heather if I had blond hair, and a Melissa if I had brown. I was born with black hair.

2. Two weeks after baptizing me, my hair fell out and came back in blond. :)

3. I'm an adoptee (and so is my younger brother, Scott�we're not biologically related).

4. I don't know who my biological parents are, but I know my birth mother was 17 when she had me.

5. If I were her, I'd now have a 10-year-old child. My child would be a teenager when I reach age 30.

6. The question "Do you know your real parents?" is one of the most insulting ones I know can be asked to an adoptee. I understand what people mean, but at the same time it could be reworded.

7. I'm 27 years old and was born January 11, 1975.

8. My (adoptive) parents divorced in 1989 when I was 14.

9. Since then my dad has remarried (in '99), and I now have a stepmother, stepbrother (Jonathan), and stepsister (Emily).

10. I'm still the oldest child. =sigh=

11. I've lived in Boston for 8 years�nearly a third of my life.

12. In six weeks I will move out of Boston for the first time since I moved to Massachusetts.

13. I'm a bit scared of moving to the 'burbs, but I think it's because I�m resistant to change.

14. I don't understand why it's such a big problem, considering I made a much larger leap from Montana to Boston already. I can't fathom too many more extreme moves.

15. My new apartment will be four times the size of my current one. And for the first time in three years, I'll have a bedroom separate from my kitchen and living space.

16. My life is ruled by two cats�a purebred male Norwegian Forest Cat named Colorado (Colley) and a black female mixed-breed named Mephista (Fizzy). I don't see that changing anytime in the near future. J

17. And that's just fine with me

18. Until she was at the vet to be spayed, I thought Fizzy was a boy, and "his" name was actually Mephisto. Surprise!

19. If it were possible, I'd love to have a houseful of cats. Unfortunately, I know having that many wouldn't allow me to give them the love and care that they need for healthy, happy lives. Plus the amount of litterboxes� ew.

20. I will (hopefully) own my first car within the next two months.

21. I really want a Bug, but I doubt I can afford one.

22. I earned my driver's license at age 15, due to my school grades and Montana regulations on driver's ed (I had my permit at age 14 since I had straight A's).

23. I can't imagine anyone that age being responsible enough o drive, now that I look back at it from an adult standpoint.

24. I'm typing this list on my brand-new, week-old Mac iBook. J

25. It was my way of celebrating getting out of debt�taking out an Apple loan to get back in.

26. I've already thrown about a Gig and a half of '80's mp3's on it.

27. My job is one of the rare few that require knowledge of Macs� fortunately.

28. Since graduating with a journalism degree, the only time I've used it is for some freelance writing gigs.

29. I've written about a dozen pieces for publication, but all of the companies I wrote for were dot coms that went under, so I have no copies of my pieces.

30. I'd rather edit than write professionally.

31. My writing is reserved for me. Lately it's been in my journal (

32. I communicate far better through writing than face-to-face discussion.

33. When in a confrontation, I tend to be extremely stubborn, but make an effort to at least see perspective (if I'm calmed down)

34. I blame the stubbornness on the fact that I'm both a sun and moon sign Capricorn.

35. My immediate family includes all of the earth signs (my mom's a Taurus and my dad's a Virgo). My brother's the oddball sign as a Pisces

36. In way of life, I'm the oddball of my family since I'm the geek.

37. Most Saturdays my boyfriend (Erich) and I drive up to New Hampshire to play Dungeons & Dragons with our friends for about eight to ten hours at a stretch.

38. Two of the people in my gaming group are also Nervousness members: Garlynara and moonmaiden.

39. My other geeky hobby includes being addicted to Renaissance Fairs. Erich and I go every year�in full costume.

40. The first time I ever was on an airplane was at 2 days old, when my parents brought me from my town of birth in Montana to their home in Dublin, California. (we moved back to Montana six months later).

41. I prefer traveling by train�I love being able to watch the country sail by.

42. To date, I've never attended a funeral. None of my family members (immediate or extended) have died in my lifetime.

43. I do know someone who was murdered�a classmate during my sophomore year of high school killed his older brother and wrapped the body in plastic in a very "Twin Peaks" fashion (the show was popular at the time).

44. I don't remember the kid's name anymore, but he sat in front of me in journalism class. I knew his brother through Junior Achievement after school. The younger brother was sentenced to death row at age 17.

45. I've been writing to penpals since I was 7 years old. I started through a class handwriting project and was addicted immediately.

46. I've long since stopped counting how many pals I have, both because the number changes all the time, and I'd probably be depressed at the amount of money I spend on postage.

47. Someday I'd love to travel the world to see as many archaeological and ancient sacred sites as possible. Egypt, India, Israel/Palestine, Great Britain/Ireland, the Andes, Mexico, and Australia all entice me.

48. I would go insane if Diet Coke didn't exist. Although I might hold onto some of my sanity as long as Vanilla Coke stays around.

49. I'm waiting for Chocolate Coke to come out. I grew up on them at a local soda fountain.

50. I haven't weighed less than 200 pounds in about four years. It depresses me a lot, since I weighed 135 when I came to college. But I don't have the inner motivation to lose the weight.

51. Even when I was thin, I hated clothes shopping because nothing seemed to fit. I never was a "stick."

52. I could live on a diet of fresh Vietnamese spring rolls, Lamb Vindaloo, and my grandmother's Pierogis

53. I love to write, but despise drawing and painting. It's torturous to me.

54. I still have my original Cabbage Patch Dolls from 1983/84 when they were the craze.

55. The only time I've gone skinny-dipping was when I was thirteen. I had a sleepover in the backyard playhouse with some of my friends, and some guys crashed the party when all of the girls were naked in the pool.

56. I can still smell the asphalt of the playground of my school when I remember where I was when the Challenger shuttle exploded in 1986. It's one of a handful of photographic memories I have.

57. I've never had a dating relationship last less than a year, and am fiercely monogamous.

58. My relationship with Erich is so healthy it frightens me.

59. The History Channel or Discovery Channels are almost always on in my house if I'm home and awake.

60. I'm an adventurous eater and will try just about anything once before I state that I don't like it.

61. Live animals (i.e. goldfish and such) however, are over the line of reason.

62. Green and purple are colors that I think should be worn together as often as possible.

63. I never sing in front of anyone else. But if I'm alone, I'll blast the radio and sing at the top of my lungs.

64. I'm a devout Pagan of no specific denomination, although I tend to lean Druidic. Next year will be my 10th anniversary of my first-degree initiation.

65. I've been spit on twice for my religious beliefs, simply because I had a pentacle around my neck.

66. Despite that, the only thing that made me fear for my religious freedom was when Bush took office. His behavior has consistently reinforced my fears.

67. I also am a practitioner and teacher of Reiki (hands-on healing practice from Japan).

68. I don't plan on teaching my future children any particular faith, but rather to teach them how beautiful diversity is, and to allow them to choose their own spiritual path.

69. The concept of childbirth absolutely terrifies me. I'd rather adopt.

70. I do hope to adopt at least one child to give him/her the chance I had.

71. I have a phobia of falling. It's so bad that I can't stand near the window of a glass-walled elevator or go next to the railing of a bridge. My knees will start shaking.

72. My parents think that in a past life, I died falling into a fire, because of my phobia of falling and the fact that any dream I remember has a prominent fire in it�usually in a destructive role.

73. When I was 16, I had jaw surgery. The surgeons broke my lower jaw and moved it forward a full inch to lessen my overbite.

74. I still have metal plates screwed into the bone on each side of my jaw (makes funky x-ray pictures!). The plates allowed me to be wired shut for only four days as opposed to the traditional six weeks.

75. I was sick for retakes of school pictures that year, so my junior year photo in the yearbook has me looking like I have a square jaw because it was still swollen.

76. The Soviet Union fell while I was asleep on the operating table. I watched the tanks rolling through Moscow on the news later that night. It's all I can remember watching on TV that night.

77. The oldest weather I've ever experienced was an 80 below (F) wind-chill. It happened over two days in eighth grade in February. Those two days were my only two "snow days" growing up.

78. The only other day school was ever cancelled in my district between 1980-1993 was the day Mt. Saint Helens erupted. We had four inches of ash on the front lawn.

79. I'd rather be freezing than too hot. I can always put more clothes on.

80. I prefer shots of vodka to drinking beer.

81. In fifth grade, two of my classmates asked me if I was a virgin. I thought it was a bad word, so I said "no" rather than admit I didn't know what the word meant.

82. In reality, I was a virgin until I was 17.

83. I seem to be one of the few who had a good first-time experience.

84. The last movie I saw in the theater was Reign of Fire. Last night, actually. J

85. One of the most peaceful moments I've experienced in my lifetime was seeing the stripe of the Milky Way galaxy on a cold winter's night�from the comfort of the hot tub on the back deck.

86. I've always been ashamed of having an affluent family because I never wanted to be perceived as a spoiled rich kid.

87. I'm a firm believer in hand-swat spanking (once) for discipline when a child won't behave. I think the fear of politically correct behavior backlash has prevented many parents from having control over their kids.

88. I love reading by candlelight.

89. The only stadium concert I've ever been to is U2 during their Popmart tour in 1997.

90. I have a tendency to throw Star Wars or Ghostbusters one-liners into conversations when snafus happen (i.e. "Ray has gone bye-bye Egon� what do you have left?). My friends do the same thing, but I think my coworkers have determined me insane.

91. I'd love to become fluent in at least four other languages, other than English, during my lifetime. The more obscure, the better�just 'cause.

92. About once a year, I debate getting a second piercing in my ears, but I always chicken out.

93. I wouldn�t dare get anything else pierced on my body.

94. Much less get a tattoo.

95. As much as I try to get over my shortcomings, I always seem to look at other people's lives as better than mine, even when I know that mine's pretty damn good.

96. I have an extreme craving for Indian curry right now, but can't afford to satisfy it today.

97. Even in the middle of winter, I love to sleep with my bedroom windows wide open.

98. If it were possible or practical, I'd go barefoot all the time.

99. I learned how to play the viola, piano, and clarinet as a child. I don't play any of them on a regular basis anymore.

100. This one time� at band camp�

5:18 p.m. - 18 July 2002


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