measi's Diaryland Diary


Reiki and Relaxation

Second entry today... it's been a while since I've managed to do this, eh?

Well, thanks to cranking a lot of work on Monday, and then again today, I'm nearly caught up with work. It's about 5 p.m., I'm not leaving until around 7:30 p.m., so I have plenty of time to get the budget forecasts done before I head back into Boston to pick up [erich] and Crew.

I mentioned yesterday how I was getting rid of some brain clutter. Thankfully, I've been able to put a lot more of that away, and have managed to be able to take a good look at the here-and-now, rather than the year behind me. It's going to be a crazy month.

Between gaming sessions, the Arisia convention, my birthday, and work, I have quickly depleted all of my free time on the weekends for the month of January. And that had me extremely stressed out on New Year's Day as [erich] and I drove home from New Hampshire. The holidays bogged me down, and I need time by myself to relax. In a huge way.

Unfortunately, without the solid confirmation of an upcoming weekend day to relax, I've been freaking out a bit. Not only is The Beast rearing its ugly head again, but the swapping piles and computer dreck is, too. And unfortunately, I'm just mentally wiped out. I need to be a vegetable watching TV for a few hours to regroup and just let my brain go on autopilot for a while.

Measi Alone Time is a very important thing, you see. Measi Alone Time prevents others from finding themselves on the wrong side of the cranky stick.

So I'm panicking in the car, and Erich's probably wondering why his girlfriend has gone completely off the deep end. Yes, PMS had a great deal to do with it. But the need for alone-time was a huge factor. When the hell am I going to get this time to myself?

I decided that the one thing that could "give" this month was my Reiki II training. One of my co-workers is a Reiki master, and she and I have been talking about this for a while. One of our other co-workers (in another department) is also interested in the Reiki II course, and so she planned a class on Sunday the 5th for the two of us. However, beforehand (translation=after work this week) she wanted to have each of us over individually to give us a healing session to remove any blocks we have (oh, this will take a while!) and also to show us the Reiki II symbols so we can practice them.

I really didn't want to give up the Reiki II class. I took Reiki I five years ago, and it was long past time to advance. Unfortunately, most Reiki teachers charge an arm and a leg for training. This was my perfect opportunity. But again, I knew something had to give, and this seemed like the best option of the bunch for me.

So yesterday I went into my co-worker's office and explained what was going on. She thought that I was just having nervous jitters, and that a lot of people have had this happen. She said to just see what happens, and that if I could come Sunday, wonderful.

Fortunately, my mother and brother were too wiped out to make an overnight trip up here from Pennsylvania. They were planning to be here yesterday through today. Which would have forced me to use one of my personal days right off the bat. Which would have sucked. Although I love seeing my mom, I was just down there a week and change ago, and Scott and I don't exactly get along well. Better that she plan on dragging him Back East for Easter or something than make a 6 hour drive up to Massachusetts for one night. It's just not worth it.

So that wiped off two evenings of stress. I was able to veg out a bit last night and do the autopilot mind thing. It helped me shelve a great deal of the LGM crap, and also allowed me to get some of the swapping mess off the floor. I just need to create four more slam books, and I'll be ready to get these envelopes into the mail to the penpals I owe them to. That will get a lot of stress off my back. I HATE owing people things. And these swaps have been lingering since mid-November because of money issues.

I'm planning on getting to the Reiki class on Sunday. I need to. I seriously need the grounding and the healing so I can rebalance. It's been over three years since I've had a Reiki session given by someone else. For me, it's just not quite the same when I lay hands on myself. None of my friends in and around Boston have been trained in it, and I haven't seen Ivanna (one of my college buddies who I took the Reiki I class with) in quite some time.

I also decided that this year, I'll take my birthday off. I usually don't since it comes so early in the year. I've felt guilty in the past for doing so. But this year, my birthday's on a Friday, so I might as well take advantage of the long weekend and just have my birthday as a day to myself. No other day could be more appropriate, right? Plus, that will give me two long weekends in a row, since our office is closed on the 21st for Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday.

I just need the relaxation and grounding to start this year off right, I think. Maybe a good dose of Reiki treatments will be exactly what I need.


5:09 p.m. - 3 January 2002


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