measi's Diaryland Diary



It�s scary�I have enough to say about the events unfolding before the world�s eyes, and yet at the same time I don�t know quite how to put into words how I feel.

I feel angry. I feel scared. I feel betrayed. I feel ashamed. And I feel a dozen other things that I can�t seem to pin down because they�re blending with the aforementioned emotions.

We�re going to war. The thought of it turns my stomach. I don�t agree with this war. I don�t support it. I do think that Saddam Hussein is an evil man and needs to be removed from power. But I don�t see how he�s such an immediate risk to our country, and when all but two other leaders of the world say this is not a good thing, I have to question our government�s reasoning. I think President Bush is a religious zealot madman who wants to just stir the pot. His speeches to try to convince the country and the world have been full of nothing but propoganda. He shows no facts. He spews rhetoric as if to think himself a savior of these countries. Afghanistan has been nearly forgotten, even though it is in shambles. The media has been so censored that anything that could countermand the American case for war isn�t allowed into this country. Reading the news from the UK or Australia puts an amazing spin on things. As of the beginning of this new war, the USA becomes the largest rogue state in the world.

I feel betrayed by my fellow citizens who claim they�re proud to be American, yet heckle anyone who takes advantage of their freedom of speech to disagree with how things are going. From bullshit happening in Colorado where someone didn�t stand up for that god-awful �Proud to be an American� country song as if it were the national anthem, to a woman getting her house trashed in the French Quarter of New Orleans with blood splattered on the wall, saying �French go home.� Our country has become one of complete hatred for anyone who isn�t a good ol� boy Christian following Bush happily off to war. There are ten of us in my office who are openly not Judeo-Christian. Two Muslims, one Hindu, four Pagans, and three Baha�i�s. The Muslim woman, out of fear for her safety, has removed her headscarf while in public, and has replaced it with some sort of a hat that's less "Muslim" looking. All four Pagans-- including me-- wear our pentacles under our shirts now out of fear. My own friends have mocked those who disagree with Bush propoganda. It sickens me watching them fall right into Der Shrubbenfuhrer�s regime. If having to agree with Bush is the only way to be rightfully able to be an American, then strip me of my citizenship. I will be a woman without a country.

As for the Dixie Chicks�I will be buying at least one of their albums out of support for them this weekend. Good for them for having the courage to speak out. To those who choose to boycott them for their words�that is none of my concern. It comes as a consequence of free speech. But don�t call them anti-American for speaking their mind. They did it in a respectful manner. Not like Mudvane�s �Fuck Bush!� speech at a local radio event recently. So the Dixie Chicks are ashamed of Bush being from Texas, as they are. What is so wrong about stating you are embarrassed to be tied to someone you feel is doing wrong? If it�s wrong, then should I be supporting the Unabomber that was found in my home state? �Yessir, we got all those loose cannons up in my home neck of the woods� an� we�re proud of those psychos.�


This war has allowed Bush to gloss over his incompetence. Our economy is in shambles. Several states and commonwealths in this nation are running such deficits that desperately needed funding for services for the mentally ill and elderly are being eliminated. While Bush has turned all of his attention on destroying Islamic countries overseas, our country is suffering. Those who he�s supposed to be leading are treated like dirt. We�re thrown garbage about getting duct tape and plastic sheets to cover windows and doors. At the same time, our government is bullying other nations in a manner that not only is disgustingly childish, but contradicts the very nature of claiming America is a free country. Agree with us, or be considered a terrorist. Sounds exactly like the ultimatum-style goverment we claim all of the Islamic countries have. Is Bush the same as Saddam Hussein? No. But Bush is not squeaky clean when it comes to civil rights abuse. Let�s go into his Patriot Act for a moment, shall we�where anyone suspected of being a traitor to the government or a terrorist can be held� indefinitely�with no access to legal counsel. Bush and his just-as-psychotic cronie Ashcroft have been quietly dismantling the Bill of Rights since September 11th.

And no one in America seems to care.

Instead, the government does bullshit things like renaming French fries because France won�t fall in line with our demands. Please, give me a break. How childish. France is not part of the United States. They are not obligated to agree with us. Nor is any other country.

I respect our troops for their beliefs and commitment toward being protectors of our country. I admire their sacrifice. I do stand by them, and support them through donations of supplies to keep some connection to home while they�re there. Yet I question why they have to be deployed to Iraq. Is this fight worth risking the lives of Americans? It is possible to be against this war, yet support the men and women who are over there. Unfortunately, many Americans cannot grasp this concept.

Is it so wrong to not want some poor mother or new wife to get a letter from the State Department informing them of their loss? Particularly when this war seems so unfounded?

Is it so wrong to not want people to die?

10:28 a.m. - 18 March 2003


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