measi's Diaryland Diary


Pennsylvania trip

Miss me? *grin*

After a busy but gratifying Labor Day game with JT, I had to get up early on Tuesday with Erich to head into the city. It was time to become... (drum roll)

Independently Mobile

Translation: Going down to my mom's and doing a many years' overdue borrowing of the parental unit car for an extended time until I get my own.

LGM was heading back to NYC after a weekend of helping various people move, including some much appreciated assistance with mine. He offered the ride, and I was quite appreciative of the offer, particularly since I absolutely hate taking the bus, and spending six hours on them in a day was not a concept I'd be thrilled about. So around 10 a.m., he picked me up on Boston University's campus, and we headed off to New York.

(before he picked me up, I wrote an observation of the first day of classes at BU, which fits into the reflective Moving Out of Boston nature I've been in lately-- it's on my laptop, so later today, I'll transpose it onto DX and link it from here).

The ride wasn't bad, except that I had been so dehydrated over the weekend that I was drinking a lot of fluids, and had to have LGM stop a couple times so I could use facilities. I've been excessively thirsty lately, but I blame the last couple of weeks and not taking care of myself at all.

We chatted a lot-- about a little of everything, from our past to stuff with [erich] (don't worry, hon... nothing bad. I've already talked to you about it) to religion to his relationships with various women (see 2001 entries in my journal), to, of course, September 11th. It was good to talk to him, and although I know I'll never quite be comfortable being close friends with him again, it's nice to know I can sit comfortably and talk to him, and be pleasant, if not friendly.

The cost of tolls and the traffic volume in NYC amazes me. We never actually went onto Manhattan, but dealt briefly with the Long Island Expressway (L.I.E. as the natives call it) and the BQE (Brooklyn-Queens Expressway) before getting to Staten Island. I saw the Brooklyn Bridge for the first time-- it's quite a beautiful structure, and so intricately strung together.

We stopped briefly at his place on Staten Island (so I could use a non-public bathroom) and then he dropped me off at the Ferry so I could head into Mahattan and get to the bus terminal. The ferry ride is relaxing, and I saw the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island again, feeling a bit choked up as I did last July while heading the other direction. In that July 2001 entry, I didn't mention the WTC-- it was just there. There was no reason to.

Coming toward Manhattan in September 2002, the emptiness of southern Manhattan is astounding. There's just this gap in the skyline. As LGM said over and over, Mahattan just looks wrong.

I had the time, so I decided to stop by the WTC site on my way to Times Square. Particularly since the anniversary is next week. LGM warned me that it's one of those spots where, even with nothing there but a big hole, it just moves you.

He's right.

Only, speaking as a Pagan for a moment-- there's a LOT there. The energies of the place are overwhelming-- a mix of residuals (that may never fade completely) and currents, constantly intertwined as people come to see the site, pay their respects, and unknowingly touch those whose souls have reblended back into the energy that is Nature. The hole where the WTC complex stood looks like a gigantic construction project hole-- not much different than many of the holes that I've seen for the past eight years around Boston while dealing with the Big Dig. But knowing what happened there, and then instinctively connecting with the city, it's just emotionally overpowering.

I could only bear to stay for fifteen minutes-- even with a "moveable" circle cast around myself.

And it's not easy to ground yourself on the NYC subway, lemme tell ya.

The rest of the trip to Easton was uneventful. I wound up sitting on the steps of the Easton Historical Society for nearly an hour waiting for Mom, realizing how sketchy downtown Easton has become over the last few years. I never remember it being a particularly good neighborhood, but it's just creepy on Northampton Street now. She finally picked me up; we got dinner. We went home.

The next morning (yesterday), I was up at 6:30 to have coffee and get ready to head to my hair appointment. Mom's hairdresser, Steve, is a fantastic guy, and I've now become one of his long-distance clients. I haven't been able to get in to see him now in a couple of years because of our mutual scheduling, but did so yesterday. Three hours and a bunch of tin foil later, I came out with bright streaks of light blonde, giving me a head of blonde hair about six shades lighter than I was before. I'm happy. He also cut about two inches off the ends in the back (which still leaves my hair at the top of the small of my back-- give me a month, it'll be back at my waist). I don't feel shaggy anymore. It's refreshing.

After lunch with Mom and a visit with my grandma (who starts chemo again next week-- a discussion for another entry *sigh*), I was overdue time to get on the road to drive up to Boston. I finally got onto the road at 5:30. Traffic was moderate in most places-- a few heavy spots near construction, but only a couple of times did I have brief bumper-to-bumper stop and go traffic.

I do, however, finally understand why Connecticut has such high speeding ticket prices. Some of the drivers are absolute speed maniacs. And they weave insanely. It's a miracle I didn't see more accidents on I-84.

Just before 11 p.m., I finally arrived back in Holbrook. I was exhausted, but I did make very good time-- only five and a half hours, door to door... with two stops. Not too bad at all.

It's so nice to finally have a car. :)

More later-- need to get my laundry started!

12:10 p.m. - 5 September 2001


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