measi's Diaryland Diary


'Da hell just happened here?

Bigger Boss (aka Peter) was in his usual state of complete insanity, causing balls of chaos in my life that just weren't needed, thank you.


Turns out that we're getting a new payroll system put in place on Friday for the people who are considered contract (project-length only) employees-- one that's electronic, rather than the archaic handwritten chart-style ones that I hand out to everyone now. Of course, it's being put into use on exactly the same day as training on it. So therefore, we're putting paychecks in jeopardy as we learn the stupid thing.

Not to mention the fact that I typed up nice little neat instructions for timesheets about three weeks ago so that people could learn how to do their timesheets, and they managed to screw them up -- even with a sample timesheet stapled to the packet.

I truly fear what they'll do online. I have people in my department who come over to me to ask if we have certain supplies in the supply cabinet. Mind you, more than half of the department have to physically walk past the supply cabinet (which is about 50 feet down the hall) to get to my desk.

Wait until they actually have to start remembering their own textbook ISBN numbers.

Heh-heh. This should be... interesting.

In all seriousness though, I'm happy if it means less computations for me on Friday mornings, but I'm also worried about how it's going to affect other aspects of my job. Hopefully someone's figured out that in order to do budget forecasting, I need some record of the timesheet and the hours/cost charged to each project so I can keep my database accurate.

Hopefully. Riding on a lot of hope there.

*le sigh*

I think I'm denouncing this unfairly, but I'm just worried that it's going to make my life hellish, even in the short-term. Having a bunch of employees who will do nothing for themselves if at all humanly possible come over to me in a panic because they didn't read those instructions I mailed out.

Anyway-- getting back to my first paragraph, Peter drops me a line yesterday asking for me to prepare the HR paperwork for all of my department employees that are affected by said change, but doesn't instruct me on how said file should be filled out. Our internal processing form has drop-down boxes everywhere, and really is some ungodly masterpiece of a bored Pee Cee person who wanted to make the administrative assistant's life a living hell.

I say Pee Cee person, because up until I pitched a fit in January (read=three years since said form was created), they wouldn't make a copy that would work on a Mac, despite the fact that 80% of our workforce USES a Mac. But they wouldn't take a handwritten copy, either. Had to be electronic.

Of course, they're still not quite right-- they've created an IPF version, but without special permission, all employees only have Acrobat Reader. So regardless, hard copy IPF's must still go through. Kinda hard to send an electronic file that doesn't allow saves.

So I spend today doing these IPF's. I've been here since 10:30. It's now a bit past 5:30... and that's ALL I've done today. Cripes. And I'm brain-dead to hell from doing salary conversions, so I know I'm not getting anything else done today. I'm essentially waiting for the traffic on Route 128 to filter out a bit, and then I think I'll head home, cuddle with the cats for a bit, pop in the tape to record Buffy, and get into lazy-time clothes before I pick [erich] up from work at 8.

And hopefully the ball of chaos that looms over me for a 10:30 meeting on Friday won't kill me too badly.



I will relax. Really. Honestly.

Yes, I realize I'm trying to convince myself of this.

The projects at Nervousness are helping me get rid of some jitters that keep creeping up. Social anxiety bullshit that I need to let run off. Mostly from the craziness here at work over the past couple weeks.

I now have four different LMAO projects that I'm working on. Two for Tan, and two others for individual people. I think a couple more are on the way. They're helping me because it's forcing me to get rid of the nervous energy (heh... bad pun) in a semi-productive/creative way. I've found that for the time being, at least, my interest has shifted off of friendship books and such, and back into writing and goofing around. It's a change, and it's away from all of the crap that shows up over on Yahoogroups' swapping lists. Quite refreshing, actually. There's a strong possibility that if I get hooked over on these, I might start dropping off the yahoogroups bandwagon. Actually, I quite happily would. There's really only two of my swapping groups over there that I really enjoy and look forward to participating in. And one's primarily a chat list.

The LMAO's that I've started are all on their way to various places. Alayean dropped a note in my guestbook to let me know she got the Personal Rituals journal today, and I'm psyched to see what she has in store (along with the rest of the people on that list, including someone from my hometown who signed up. :) The Online Diarists one doesn't seem to have an update yet, but it should get there anyday now.

Plus, I received word from Free Words that they are going to take up my offer to be a participant, and I should see some books coming my way within the next month. I've got some plans on where to put them already. Tan and I have a fun plan for one of the LMAO's we're both signed up for, if the timing works right. :)

So I have things to keep me occupied and challenged. Something new. Something community-oriented, yet still stuff to do "on my own."

Hopefully that will get me through some of this chaos.

5:17 p.m. - 26 February 2002


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