measi's Diaryland Diary


lots of thoughts... lots of topics

And I'm stuck in here. Booooooo..... I'll have to make sure to take a quick walk at lunchtime-- maybe just over to the nearby park and back. My sneakers are in the car, since we still haven't cleaned out everything from going to Pennsylvania Easter weekend.

We had a nice weekend. Friday night we went to see Identity, which was a big mind-fuck. But an intriguing mind-fuck. It was a good movie. I got freaked out as I usually do and had my head hidden in Erich's shoulder a few times because of grisly murder scenes. But I loved the plot line.

This coming weekend is, of course, X2. We have our tickets for Matrix Reloaded already-- preview show on Wednesday night, and we'll probably buy tickets to a show in Randolph for opening night on the 15th, since our preview show is in a non-stadium seating theater. But X2 hasn't gone on sale. I've heard rumors of a Thursday night preview show-- LGM is coming up to Boston that evening, though, so I don't know if we'd be able to make it. His train might not arrive in time.

Erich had his game on Saturday, since we had to completely reschedule the next few weekends due to lots of little weekend trips. It wound up being a perfect day for a game-- lousy weather, so perfect for indoor stuff.

Before the game, I popped up to Boston to pick up my mail, and decided to take a quick jaunt to the old neighborhood (well... nearby... Newbury Street) to check if a couple of my favorite stationery stores were open. They weren't open-- they were gone. *sigh*. Such is the life of Newbury Street, though. My favorite places have disappeared from there over the years. First Odessey Books, then the basement pet store, then Tower Records, and now Kitty House. Although Kitty House was replaced by an Indian Goods store-- which isn't too bad of a loss. Maybe one of these days I'll buy some sari fabric to create some window drapes.

Since parking is impossible around Boston Newbury Street, I parked a couple blocks off on Commonwealth (illegally, of course!) and walked down to Newbury. All of the magnolia trees were blooming-- my favorite sign that Boston has finally arrived into Spring. Not many other trees had leaves on them, or even buds. But those trees of flowers just brightened up the drizzly morning. I had to take a slow walk back to the car to let it all sink in. Everything was familiar-- walking down Comm Ave, gazing absently at the rows of brownstones. Watching the random people walking their dogs through the park down the center of the boulevard. The quiet(!) sound of traffic moving around. I do miss Boston life a lot. But I know that I can't afford to live in Boston anymore.

Thankfully it's close enough that I can go up for these little trips.

I didn't stay too long in the city before heading home to get ready for the game. It was one of those days where everyone was coming, but people were rolling in after work, required errands, or Saturday exams. So by the end of the day we had a comfy six people-- only one person wasn't able to come, due to a birthday party. We had a great session-- amid the laughing (both with and at each other), we did pretty well in getting things accomplished. A good time-- and post-game emails to reflect it.

While we were at the gaming store where we borrow the backroom to hold games (since a couple players have cat allergies), I bought the Lord of the Rings chess set for Erich for one of his anniversary presents. The pieces are quite nifty-- they're plastic, but nicely molded and colored. The board has a map of middle earth blended into the squares.

Sunday was an all-purpose get-things-done sort of day. We grabbed breakfast at the little diner across the street and then went grocery shopping. We bought a lot of the stuff from my eDiets plan. Some of it scares both of us, though. We didn't get all of it-- we exchanged some extra Lean Cuisine frozen dinners instead, since everything is interchangeable. The tofu we did get. Now-- I like tofu. I willingly eat it at Asian restaurants. But I've never prepared it, and it just feels disturbing in the package. It moves in very disturbing, creepy, goopy ways. *shudders* But hey... there's always a first time. As a treat, I got myself some chocolate soy milk. It sounded really good-- and I've had soy milk many times--- especially as a kid since I was one of those soy formula babies (I guess I just couldn't digest regular milk well). Low calorie treat with dinner, and I'll get my calcium.

It was odd, but actually somewhat comforting to be grocery shopping with Erich and actually reading the labels on things. We got home. Erich cleaned out the fridge and repacked it. We have healthier food in the fridge. It does feel good knowing that I'm attempting to change things, and not only is Erich supportive of me doing so, but he's jumping on the bandwagon, too. The junk food isn't around. So we'll actually have to GO somewhere if we want it. And a lot of the time, we're just too damn lazy to go out and get it. Especially if we have frozen dinners in the fridge. :) I haven't been an angel with my eating-- but I'd be unrealistic to think that everything's going to change overnight. An improvement is worth something. I'll have to see how well I'm doing on Wednesday, when I have my next weigh-in.

The rest of Sunday was just a getting things done sort of day. Erich managed to get some of the guys to come over to help carry a cabinet upstairs for us. My mom had taken it when my parents got divorced, and she kept it for either Scott or I. Since Scott really doesn't care about those sort of things, and he's in Arizona, she gave it to me. It's a dark-stained TV cabinet with a roll-down front cover to hide the TV when not in use. My dad made it when I was pretty young-- perhaps seven or eight. I don't know if it's from a kit or if he made it free-hand, but it's very pretty with the Pennsylvania House style hardware pulls in brass. But the thing is obnoxiously heavy, and I couldn't hope to help Erich carry it upstairs.

So the guys came over. And later that night, we went over there (to Erich's old apartment) to watch the WWE pay-per-view. Erich will probably reiterate this on this journal-- but they used a guy on a friggin' EMT body board as a BAT. *shudder*

I believe "Dude!" is about the only thing that could be said, aside from "Holy shit."

Why WWE is addicting in its stupidity, I don't know. It just is, though.


Anyway... off to work. More later...

~ Mel.

10:33 a.m. - 28 April 2003


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